
Obesity "disease"

Obesity is called a disease, for only one reason. So that the obesity reasearchers can get more money. They also call it an epidemic to get more money. They also went as far as calling it contageous to get more government funding.

Basically, the job of any medical researcher is to make the condition sound worse than it really is to get more funding.
12 years

Obesity "disease"

FlabbyTeen wrote:
Honestly, no offense to Americans, but i think this is just an excuse for the american government. so that the rest of the world doesnt say 'you are the fattest country in the world, shame on you!' But, if they call it a diesease, they can say 'its not OUR fault, blame fate! Itds a diesease!' there has admmitedlly been some research into wether it is a diesease or natural thing, or a genetical thing or whatever you might like to call it, but that research is at extremely early stages only.

Actually I saw on the news that Australia is the fattest country now... I like to think I played a part in that hahaa

but yeah as for the fat people being a drain on the health care thing it is such a bunch of bullshit.

For one the diseases they are usually referring to like heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some cases of diabetes are not to do with the actual adipose tissue on the body it is to do with having an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

Heaps of thin people eat like shit and just have really fast metabolisms so they don't gain weight, that doesnt mean their arteries are any less clogged than someone that is fat and eats heaps of junk.

There are some conditions that are caused by the actual fat such as meralgia parathesia, hyper tension, varicose veins etc. but when people say we are a drain on the system they never refer to these sorts of conditons, they usually dont even know about them.

it annoys me so much because their reasoning is that we choose to be fat knowing it harms our health, which is ridiculous to begin with but im not going to get started on that lol

but IF that was so then what about all the smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts ?

I mean even the people that do things like extreme sports are doing so knowing full well they could end up in hospital, sports in general causes heaps of injuries.

I remember in school countless kids were being treated in hospital for broken arms and legs etc. and ALL from sports !!
I mean you see on tv constantly about famous athletes getting injured.

and another thing they always say us fat people are this way because we must constantly stuff ridiculous amounts of food down our throats ..... but isnt tax included in all food purchases ?

so IF that was the case then fat people would already be paying more tax than everyone else
12 years

Obesity "disease"

Sumochickfan wrote:
Because they are just ***ed. I mean why don't you ever hear about the annerix models dieing or anything like that. But no once you gain 1 pound it's like ''OMG SHE IS A MUTANT FREAK CALL JENNY!!!'' and yet those who are fat eat just as much as a skinny person. And who cares for kids in Africa why doesn't AFRICA HELP IT'S SELF?

(Is that better and less offensive or should we keep coddling the ignorant?)
12 years

Obesity "disease"

Congratulations to the Australians on becoming the fattest nation. I do love the irony that this is also the most sports obsessed nation and arguably the most successful.

It does occur to me that the USA and we Brits do very well at sport too, yet both are considered very obese nations. As far as I can see this so called disease would be welcomed by other nations if it means you end up constantly winning at sporting events.
12 years

Obesity "disease"

Did someone really just say 'why doesn't Africa help themselves' ???

for real ??
12 years