
10lb. challenge!

Oh yes, I think you can do it.

Ur photos show a young lady that is driven to be a sexy larger woman! Go for, good luck and please keep us all up to date!

12 years

10lb. challenge!

rock9632 wrote:
For most people who reach a plateau the best way to gain more weight is to first go on a diet and lose 10 or 15 pounds. With most people once they lose 10 or 15 pounds they will gain back 20 or 30.

Classic "yo-yo" dieting. Everyone I know who tried to lose weight this way ultimately gained it all back and then some.
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Good luck!
I hope you can push through and meet your goal. Thank you for sharing your journey.
12 years

10lb. challenge!

I am very curious about your experience after 1 week. You'd need to grow 5 lbs last week. And?

I think also the yo-yo-diet does very well on everybody. On the other way. You'll gain if you eat a lot. It means you'll eat the whole day and you need to stuff yourself moretimes a day.

Good luck. If you work hard on your gain you'll gain 20 lbs in 1 month. smiley

<3 Henk
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Sure thought I noticed a new dimplesmiley You were the new 5 lbs sooo well! Help is on the way!
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
degek2001 wrote:

Good luck. If you work hard on your gain you'll gain 20 lbs in 1 month. smiley

<3 Henk

Holy moly your profile picture turns me on...

Wow, if my profile picture you turns on... Thank you...smiley
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
As requested, here is my update--

I HAVE gained 5 lbs. this past week and a half! Very, very excited to see a new dimple in my chin and very noticeably in my thighs. More to come :-)

Congrats. Nice, you've reach your first goal. Up to the next. Enjoy all that food! smiley
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
Almost there :-) I'm only seven pounds in at this point, but it's probably the most beautiful and satisfying seven pounds so far. I feel lovely and...indulged lol. Thanks for all of the encouragement and support! I will promptly report when I'm officially at ten.

It's better to get 7 beautiful pounds then 10 terible pounds smiley
Do you play with your new fat? I hope so, you'll enjoy your new body.
<3 Henk
12 years

10lb. challenge!

Cupkake wrote:
With the help of a new amazing friend, I have gained 8lbs.

Wow, nice result. Your diet will be help to gain more. Your friend will be stimulate your grow. I am curious about your update next week... Go on. I like your wellrounded tummy! <3 Henk
12 years

10lb. challenge!

I am curious about your new week result. I like the pics of your lovely tummy! Does your belly feels bigger?
<3 Henk
12 years
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