
Survey results

I think you should do another poll. This one had a very cursory feel, as you've already said.

Perhaps a little bit more in depth about why we come here. Like whether the survey-taker enjoys encouraging/getting encouraged, or a more intimate kind of feeding. Something like that.
12 years

Survey results

Also a gender breakdown for results could be interesting - eg male gainer, female fat admirer etc.

Good job, interesting read!
12 years

Survey results

There are heaps of vorophiles here.

I like the idea of the survey I really do but the truth is not enough people will ever take it for the results to really mean much.

I do like that 48% of the people that took it dont have a religion though hahahaa
12 years

Survey results

I was part of that 10%
12 years

Survey results

Kid A wrote:
Layla wrote:
I was part of that 10%

That is SICK!

Actually if you do make another survey I very very strongly urge you to have others help edit it. While I like the idea of the survey there were MANY flaws that limit the conclusions you can make.

How is it sick? Masturbation is a normal part of life/ It's a normal biological function that helps people cope. Look...

at 3:20, and again at approx 5:15

although ya Layla I wouldn't go telling that to just anybody lol.
But that's not something to shame others for.
12 years

Survey results

I don't think the number can be that high as the results came out very quick. Was very surprised that masturbate only scored 10%, particularly with 68% being male!
12 years

Survey results

Curious, thanks for posting.
12 years