
How many females on here?

According to Sweet sauce's survey, possibly 36%.

That's probably the closest answer one can guess at - as a percentage of those who participate in the community anyway, since lurkers are predominantly male and far outweigh the number of females on this site in total.
12 years

How many females on here?

If you're talking about actual numbers of members, rather than active members, can someone with Gold membership search for "male" profiles and separately for "female" profiles and give us a rough answer?

As for the numbers of active members I agree with Saph that there's s lot of male lurkers. But even taking that into account my feeling is that there are way fewer women than 36%. You only have to look at the numbers of comments under women's versus men's pics to see the disparity. Also, the few women that are on here to tend to be over-represented in the forums because they tend to want to get involved and are basically more socially active and motivated (it seems to me anyhow, no disrespect to the fellas, but generally it's the girls organising parties and meet-ups etc).

So it might appear there's a lot of women here but actually it's just that we make more noise hahaha!

My guess is that men outnumber women by at least 5:1, might be as much as 10:1. Just a hunch mind.
12 years

How many females on here?

There is 47.
12 years

How many females on here?

Lol Ruby, that's (approx) 1480 very sad men!

Can someone give me a clue what they get (or hope to get) out of pretending to be women? Apart from sheer trollery, that is - I'm assuming there aren't enough people with personality disorders to account for all of them.

Actually on second thoughts who wouldn't want to be a lovely fat lady?! I think I might even pretend to be one if I weren't, too smiley
12 years