
Who are you crushing on?

Breggsy... what a babe smiley
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Showing my colours a little...
Mainly yellow but still.

Pixie 91
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Well, due to lack of communication from everyone here,

I'll have to say

No one....

While there are a LOT of you that are physically attractive, my 'crushes' don't become such until I get to know personality through actual talking....

that's how I've been and always will be.... sometimes it's a curse! haha

But, if I had to pick someone, I've had my interest wrapped up by

Wretty222 the past few months...
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

i would have to say


bashful belly

sexy phat



apple goddesss

but i love every1 ....cause i love people :3
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Im not into crushing someone i prefer to be crushed
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Bonnie for sure! meet her in person. Was easy to get along with and was fun drinking with her that day. But sucks in two different continents. And im sure anyone else who knows her would understand/agree.

But also Layla. I like her humor and from what i can tell her confidence which seams to be big. And she doesn't look that bad smiley
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

there's a club forming here...

I like Fairy too! smiley

Seems like nice girl who takes excellent pictures of her hot self. smiley
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

3 people? Hmm... kind of a toughie... hmm. Alright.

-Oddity, she's an absolutely amazing girl, she really is. smiley Always knows how to give me a good laugh, and is one of very few who've ever stood up for me. I owe her more than anyone.
-HeavyInYourArms, she's always been such a beautiful and level headed friend. Great at seeing many sides to a situation.
-fat barbie, because I owe her one. smiley She's someone you can count on. Wise and mature.

Also anyone else crushing on me I'm likely to be crushing on your back. smiley
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

Ditto kiddo :-*
12 years
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