
Doctor who

Supposedly the weeping angels are going to meet the daleks so excited
12 years

Doctor who

who is this docter you're all talking about?
12 years

Doctor who

New Trailer looks amazing cant wait for the western episode
12 years

Doctor who

Well this is interesting
12 years

Doctor who

Irishguy wrote:
On another note;

Who's found Season 7 a bit of a let down?

Dalek's kinda neutered a bit, emasculated almost, power of 3.. bit slow, .... Dinosaurs on a space ship...... I dunno. Ok I suppose. And the Ponds exit???

I have to admit I just wasn't really impressed.

Nope. Personally, but most consistently brilliant run of episodes for me, so far. Tied with Unicorn -> Turn Left.

Daleks were actually scary again. Dinosaurs was a loveable romp. It helps to put Power of Three & Town Called Mercy in the right order [which is if you flip them] and Angels was a stunning send off.
11 years
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