
Do most feedees find a feeder?

From what I see in chat with the ratio of males to females, I would guess that if you are a young attractive female you stand a very good chance of finding a feeder, for males the odds are pretty steep.
12 years

Do most feedees find a feeder?

No one really answered your question!

I'll make a wild guess: Most don't, but a large number, almost half, at least date one, at least once in their lives.

The number who get into a ltr with a feeder is much smaller, maybe 10-20%.

Again, these are wild guesses. If anyone else wants to try to guess, or dispute my numbers, be my guest.
12 years

Do most feedees find a feeder?

sacredbliss2011 wrote:
Thanks for the answers thus far. Any other insights?

I guess the biggest question you might have is whether to gain now or wait until you find a feeder.

But that should probably be a new thread!
12 years

Do most feedees find a feeder?

Things will start happening when you stop looking usually.

That's what happened to me the first time I got into a semi-serious relationship with an FFA. Sadly it was long distance and because of that it didn't quite pan out.

But just keep your eyes open and you'll find something.
12 years

Do most feedees find a feeder?

I think this is very complex. I think most females can find a feeder. It seems that the males have a harder time.

I disagree that if you stop looking, you will find one. Part of the solution is to look outside the box. There are feeders who are either in the closet, not part of a community, or do not realize it themselves yet. So, place local ads. If you get flagged, then don't be so obvious. Say things, like "looking to expand my situation," or "looking for a growing relationship." Some FAs may enjoy weight gain too, even if they have not been official feeders.

Of course, one of the problems is weeding out the fakes. Look at sites like Experience Project, and you'll find more fakes than real feedees.
12 years