
Baked beans love em or hate em

i love them. i even make my own from scratch, though it takes at least 8 hours to bake them.
12 years

Baked beans love em or hate em

Wow, so many baked bean haters!

I had Heinz (you know it makes sense - own brand is yuk) on buttered toast with grated cheese on top for me tea only this weekend. Was scrummy.

I'm not a factory-made tomato-sauce fan at all (ketchup-URGH) but beanz are the exception.

Liberate your bean lovin and get involved.
12 years

Baked beans love em or hate em

i like baked beans but i get fussy on the brands... heinz of course is the best, has to be the tomato version not bbq or cheesy. But i pile a mountain of cheese on top anyway so it becomes the cheesy baked beans that i like.
12 years

Baked beans love em or hate em

I love them, eat at least a tin a week. So convenient as they go with so many things and they don't take long to cook.
12 years