
The problem with brits

Stones! I just can't think in stones!

On the positive side, I'm getting much better at mentally multiplying by 14...
12 years

The problem with brits

Everyone knows anything but the metric system is old fashioned and utterly ***ed smiley
12 years

The problem with brits

My only problem with Brits...especially the women...

Is that accent! I just can't refuse that!!!

I melt anytime I hear them talk.... mmmmm

12 years

The problem with brits

I was brought up using, kilo's and meters and centmeters. Being on this site, helped me to get used a bit to, pounds and feet. But stones is something I still can't go with... It's like abacadabra to me. Stiil the metric system does best for me, but the heigher numbers on weight and lower for length, has something, getting my smile....
12 years