
What's your type?

so this is just a general question for my fellow ladies on this site; bbw's, feeder's, fa's, etc. what type of guys are you girls into and why? as a feeder and a fa, i personally like them tall and big, but what do some of you lovely bbw's go for?
12 years

What's your type?

scrambledegg wrote:
GutLovingGirl wrote:
so this is just a general question for my fellow ladies on this site; bbw's, feeder's, fa's, etc. what type of guys are you girls into and why? as a feeder and a fa, i personally like them tall and big, but what do some of you lovely bbw's go for?

You should ask the same question for the big guys in a new thread!

Why do we need a new thread?

I have no type. I'm a personality kinda guy. If we click while talking and/or hanging out then I could easily fall in love if the circumstances were right....

I never look at someone and say "Nope, never gonna happen"

Well, I try not to. I don't care for the scrawny, fake tan, push up bra wearing, jeresey shore girls. I'll gladly not talk to you.

But, I've been with big girls and thin girls. I don't have a preference. I loooove, as a big guy, a smaller girl that when I hug her, I can wrap my arms totally around her and hold her like I'm protecting her from harm.

I'm a "Knight in Armor" kinda guy.... Plus the difference of a 400lb man and a 120lbs women is kinda nice to think
12 years

What's your type?

personality is the main selling point for me, im not too fussy about looks.
Although if i had to describe my perfect guy... he would be about 6' tall, average sized body but had let himself go just a little bit so he had a little tummy. And nice skin im a sucker for nice smooth skin.
12 years

What's your type?

sacredbliss2011 wrote:
taller than me, generally dark haired and of average build, but an awesome personality is key-- someone funny and engaging, witty, easygoing, and accepting.

In reality, my type seems to include a lot of alcoholics, but I am trying to move away from that smiley

And of course, some of us, are just as such, and certainly are NOT alcoholics! wink wink lol
12 years

What's your type?

One thing I've noticed, jockeys would have a tough time on here.
12 years

What's your type?

yea i totally get what everyone's saying about personality, obviously that's a key factor for me too. being chill, fun, and easy going who's funny and has a great sense of humor is an instant turn on for me, absolutely nothing better than a guy who can always make me laugh even when i'm in the worst of moods! i was just trying to see what everyone was into in terms of the physical, and i totally agree with everyone who's talking about the opposite thing, that's why i love a tall, big guy cause it's the opposite of me so i feel like we'd compliment/complete each other. could be cause my parents are a biracial couple so i've always thought the idea of opposites attracting is really amazing. just love the whole yin and yang effect!
12 years

What's your type?

While seeing a beauty like GutLovingGirl with a tall, big guy might look like paradox...

It's not such a paradox that can unravel the fabric of time, like if Marty ran into himself after playing at the Under The Sea Dance (I will forever <3 anyone who gets the reference!)

I'm reality though GLG, personality isn't a key factor, it's really the only factor for me. As a really good friend put it a few years back when I had this massive crush on a girl (5'7" 120lbs I guess) Anyways:

"Dude, she looks like Amanda Bynes if Amanda Bynes DIDN'T get hot after puberty. I don't get it but, obviously your opinion on her looks changed once you got to know her"

12 years

What's your type?

d'aaaaw thanks for the lovely compliment, crazyfnbill! and witchy, hurray for opposites!
12 years

What's your type?

BashfulBelly wrote:
Physically speaking, a guy with a nice back that I can just touch all the time, lol. Doesn't have to me muscled or any thing like that, just nice looking as I have a thing for the male back. Tattoos, *swoon* and within a few inches of my height at least. Being 6 feet tall, I would like to be able to look him in the eyes.
And just like every one else, personality is key. Some times it doesn't matter what the person is like physically, there is just some thing about their personality that clicks with you and nothing else matters. We may all have our kinks and fetishes or ideal person we like, but we can never control who we fall in love with. smiley

Actually, I've controlled every girl I fell in love with. smiley


Very true though. You can't stop the heart sometimes and, fate will certainly not let a normal human stop it from working!
12 years

What's your type?

all you chicas are so tall, am i the only midget here? haha
12 years
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