

I have padded just looking in the mirror, but a couple of month ago I actually went out and did some errands padded. It was a huge turn on! I padded my butt and added some padding in front just below the waist of my jeans, it felt great to feel the added girth. I went to a sub shop, on the way in I passed the window wall of a pizza place, there were to young women eating, one of them nodded to her friend pointing out how big my but was! It was a great day, I wished for more errands and bought the largest sub they had and got stuffed!
12 years


I went out padded on my waist once in the winter. I was talking on a drive up phone & a coworker came up & knocked on my passenger window & chatted about work for about a 1/2 minute. I thought sure he noticed, butt I guess the thought it was just the winter clothing I had on.

I have padded my in private
12 years


I padded a lot when I was a teen, before I actually starting going through with gaining.

It served it's purpose for a while, but never really gave me the satisfaction of what actual weight gain provided for me - the problem with padding was that I had to do it clothed, when I really wanted to see myself naked.

Still, it was fun and exciting to waddle around the house trying to make myself look huge and check myself out in the mirror at the time.
12 years


When I was younger, I use to pad all the time. Later, I would go out to some of the shopping malls and pretend to shop for clothes or get something to eat. I loved the stares I would get as well as the comments.
12 years


I have been padding for years - since I was 5 or so. I have focused mostly on balloons, using water when I can get a reasonable source (don't have my own house, in the military - also why I don't gain right now), but for convenience's sake, most commonly use air. I have clothing specifically for padding, a combination of too large and too small clothing and a few belts for support as well as creating the divide between belly and breast. I can get the appearance of it to be quite real, and am still working up the will to interact with people. I end up looking obese and mildly dressed for winter, which is why this year I'm going to start interacting with people in winter. I've always been extremely paranoid about someone I know seeing me our hearing about me, our somehow discovering what I'm doing. I will sometimes go for a walk late at night somewhere I'm not familiar with, just to get out and experience it. I drive a full sized truck which is perfect for this. Besides convenience, one thing I like about using air is it allows me to add to or take away girth with ease - for example, I'll be driving along, and see a swath of fast food joints, and in my head pretend to have added these to my diet for the last several months, thus adding some air to represent the "consequences" of my actions. I will likely gain in a few years when I get out of the military, especially if I go to college (which is likely).

I do have to agree that I think I would miss the ability to instantly see a weight gain if I actually gain so much that I can no longer create a realistic padding, but with the method that I use, it seems likely that I would have to gain an extreme amount before it would no longer be viable.

Oh, and for those who wish to try my method, currently this is what I do (using air, water is basically the same but requires more support):

stretchy night shorts, several sizes too large

larger sweats

Spandex shirt

larger sweater

even larger sweater

balloons. I use those punch balloons because of their capacity, but for a budget you use them for only the main ones and small balloons for the features.

some sort of soft, elastic tie to temporarily seal main balloon. I find the rubber band on the bottom of punch balloons to work quite well.

restrictive clothing, I currently favor a fleece zip up sweater because the bottom is rather restrictive, while the fleece itself is forgiving, allowing supported expansion

2 of those lattice elastic like belts

First, cut open the bottom of the largest sweater and thread a belt around through it. This will provide support and your maximum expansion size.

Second, put on shorts and Spandex shirt. Then sweats. Then sweater with belt.

Third, take other belt and belt it around your chest, just above where your gut should start. Make sure it is tight, you may have some marks immediately after, or even some bruising. Tight enough that it almost restricts breathing. You don't want it to move. Place buckle under one arm. This keeps it out of the way. This creates the support for the breasts as well as prevents the gut from coming up unrealistically far. Center your clothing.

Forth, put on restrictive garment, such as fleece, then final sweater.

Fifth, inflate main balloon one or two breaths. You can't start from your current size, but this works to simulate an overweight person going through extreme weight gain. Place balloon all the way under Spandex shirt. Feed neck of balloon up under belt so you can inflate it easily. You may have to fiddle around with the orientation of the balloon so it doesn't completely block off the air. You can put the rubber band around the neck to free up your hands. Inflate other balloons to fit supporting roles, such as one on either side of the main one, breasts, arms, etc. Make sure the ones for supporting roles are done in same-size pairs, so you aren't lopsided.

Sixth, pull shorts high up over Spandex shirt. Pull sweats up about midway. Pull first sweater down so belt is as far down as possible. Pull fleece down as far as possible. Pull outer sweater down, this one acts to normalize the appearance. Also, make sure outer sleeves cover inner sleeves so inner shirts are unnoticeable.

Seventh, inflate main balloon for fun. You will likely have to partially undo the layers after a few breaths and redo them to give balloon room to expand. All balloons should be inside Spandex shirt. I do not recommend reusing the balloons, add they will be weaker after use.

Eighth, expand away and have fun!
11 years


I have found a great way to make myself a big, round belly. I use a ball and fill it with water instead of air, it gives you the perfect feel of the weight, it moves and jiggles like a real belly. I got to different balls, one big one and a smaller one I occasionally use to wear it in public. Such a great feeling.

I might gonna post some photos sometime and also how I do it.
10 years