
Fat and sport

I'm a gainer since genuary, but now I don't feel in good shape, breathing and muscles are losing.
Should I get to play sports?
But I love my belly would be a disappointment to see it go down.
I do not know what to do!
12 years

Fat and sport

You probably need to strike a balance you are happy with between being fit and having a bit of a belly.

I would suggest improving on the fitness and then seeing how you feel about the reduced belly.

Don't forgot you can always bulk back up rather quickly so don't worry about a little weight loss smiley
12 years

Fat and sport

feedme90 wrote:
I'm a gainer since genuary, but now I don't feel in good shape, breathing and muscles are losing.
Should I get to play sports?
But I love my belly would be a disappointment to see it go down.
I do not know what to do!

I would guess sports that involve a lot of running or jumping are out. You still have:

1. Water polo
2. Table Tennis (?)
3. Arm wrestling
4. Sumo Wrestling
5. Shot putting
6. Weight-lifting and other strength sports
7. ....anyone?
12 years

Fat and sport

Heroin_Chic wrote:
Water Polo, really? Dude, I played that for 8 years and and I can tell you if you are not in top shape you will die about 3 minutes into a match, like literally.

Fat people can be in shape.
12 years

Fat and sport

Water polo is knackering! Last time I played it was back at uni, and I was exhausted. I was also terrifically fit (rowing - training 10 times a week).

Strength training, walking... but really just anything you enjoy. No reason why you shouldn't play basketball if you're bigger, and that (can) involve a lot of running and jumping.

I wouldn't recommend distance running though - I'm of the opinion that to run properly requires a good strength to weight ratio if you're not going to get injuries.
12 years

Fat and sport

you've convinced me! I'm going to run! and if I have a little time in the pool!
There are still very fat I can run well, but if I take more weight, would succeed even without creating damage to the knees or other? do you know overweight people that run well?
12 years

Fat and sport

Cricket ;
12 years