
How much weight can you gain?

A gal I knew, gained from 170 - 280 in 9 months, because of depression
12 years

How much weight can you gain?

35 lbs in 3 months is a pace for over 125 lbs in a year. You'll probably have a better handle on your average pace when you are 6 months into it. I would gather that your pace the first month was even faster had you been able to sustain it.

In past years and the past 13 months in particular I have seen the following gains.
1. A yo-yo dieter of great variance -at times as high as 240 andin the same 12 month span as low as 150.I have seen her gain 27 lbs in 9 days.12 lbs in a week with ease.And 20 years later as a 296 lb BBW could still gain a lb a day for several days in a row-going from 296 to 345 from mid June to late August.
I know someone who ate 10000 calories two days in a row and gained 8 lbs from Friday morning to Sunday Morning.
I have seen S31 models take 8 years to gain 90 lbs.Starting very slim. I have seen another who was 5'2" and 195(already heavy in other words) gain 95 lbs in a year and then go another 40+ lbs after that.
And two BBW members here who went from the 230-270 range and added 150 lbs in 12 months.
It takes a uncommon ability to eat past full on a regular basis-plus a devotion and diligence that is sometimes difficult to sustain.And it takes some money for food as well.
One of the real successful people I talked about used a phone app that has restaurants nutrition charts to choose her "menus" and it helped quite a lot! smiley
12 years

How much weight can you gain?

After a diet I once put on over 100lbs in less than a year. But that's mostly rebound effect.
12 years

How much weight can you gain?

After 3 months diet I lost about 15 kilos, then doctor said that I must keep this diet all my life to avoid kilos pile back again. I did not liked that idea, to give up all snacks, junk food, beer, double or triple portions. No, I started to eat as before, with next 3 months I gained 30 kilos, plus gain continued about 15 kilos per year, so now I am over 200 kilos and I like it.
12 years

How much weight can you gain?

wretty222 wrote:
i've gained 30 pounds a year for two years running... hhehe who knows how that'll keep up smiley

I think if this year on FF doesn't result in 60-75 lbs I will be surprised Wretty! smiley
12 years