
What's harder...

..for a feeder to find a real-life feedee, or for a feedee to find a real-life feeder?

Just tell me your impression. (I don't expect everyone to go out and do a scientific study!)
12 years

What's harder...

jdswungan wrote:
I'd say it depends. I recon it's easier for female feedees to find male feeders but I'm not sure about male feedees finding female feeders.

I agree.
12 years

What's harder...

jdswungan wrote:
But I think it's to do with how many people are actually into weight gain. Not that much in reality is it?

I don't know--given all the photo-documented gains I've seen on ff and youtube, there are a lot more than I used to think!
12 years

What's harder...

A male feeder finding a female feeder?IMPOSSIBLE!I have chatted a lot,but in real life,nonexistant.
12 years

What's harder...

I'm gonna go with it's easier for a female feedee to find a male feeder. Since most of the community is over-run with male feeders.

I'm also going to say that it's easier for a female feeder to find a male feedee. Since, again, the male aspect greatly outweighs *no pun intended* the female aspect.

I know from experience, I've been looking for a female feeder since I joined the site. I've spoken to several, but none of them have been local. Or even within non-crazy driving distance.
12 years