
Talking to not talking.

If the subject line allowed me to put more words, I would be more clear on the subject.

Have you ever talked to someone, like say if you start off as friends or seeing if there is potential in dating/relationship and then the person just decides not to talk to you, like if he/she ignores you?

I have some examples of this. Last year, I met this girl on POF and we talked a lot and then came when we finally met up. After that, she stopped returning my calls and texts. After that, I just said forget her. I know I could have handled our meeting better, but at least she could have said something about not wanting to talk to me.

It would hurt A LOT less if I knew what I did to deserve such treatment rather than be ignored. Girls think they're sparing a guy's feelings, but they are wrong about that.

Also, recently, though I am not too hurt by this, but it still baffles me. I met this girl on Facebook because she was a mutual friend of someone. She added me and thought that I was cute and that I seemed nice. She gave me her number and I texted her for a little bit. I was just trying to see where this might go. I texted her a few times, so it's not like I went full on stalker/desperate mode where I sent texts or made calls every five minutes. Just made a few a day and that was it.

And then today, she deleted me off of Facebook. I am not angry or sad about it but I am a little confused about it. I sent her a last text saying that if she wanted me to delete her off of my contacts and stop texting her, I will. She told me yes and then responded with "Okay, I understand." Like I said, it's one thing to make calls and/or texts after every hour, but mine weren't that much and it wasn't borderline annoying (I don't know about her perspective) and I was a very understanding person and said that I would leave her alone if she wanted me to. A difference a week makes.

Okay, has any of you ever talked to anybody to flatout not talking to that person ever again?
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Well, I am not particularly bothered by it now. All I can say is that the weird thing about the most recent one added me and deleted me after a week seemed like she was interested in getting to know me and I think I might have said something that wasn't remotely offensive that might have killed her interest in me. Then after only a week she decided to delete me. The weird part is that she added me and then she was the one who deleted me.

I said forget her. Besides, she lived a little too far from me, anyway.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Ninja Sammich wrote:
But it's not their job to tell you if you're doing something fatally wrong. It's your job to gauge your behavior. Because it's really not that hard.

If this is a thing that happens pretty often then that's probably a big hint you're doing something wrong. If it's only happened a couple times then most likely it was just a preference issue.

In any case, don't make it someone else's responsibility to gauge your behavior.

This, especially the second paragraph. One has to learn and feel it all out themselves, and the frequency of it happening is a good non-verbal indicator.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

To this day, I'm still mildly bothered by one incident... Not so much bothered as pissed and annoyed...

Oh, it was... 2001 maybe... I don't remember where I 'met' the girl but it was online. We chatted TONS and really started to dig each other. But, one day we decided to meet in person.

And don't give me that 'Maybe you just didn't click' crap... because I'll NEVER forget the look on her face when we met. It was a look of :

"Oh shit, what the *** did I get into"

Well, it hurt but, now that I'm out of the miserable town and making a success in a few ventures in life... I think about that day, the look on her face...and I hope she's miserable...married to some redneck *** that treats her as shitty as I felt that day.

Karma will *** you up!
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Jesus, there's some bitter/desperate people on this thread. Time to cool down boys, relax and chill out. Ask Heroin_Chic how to get the girls if your having a difficult time.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Wow, some good points made on this thread and I agree entirely. I have pretty much let the one who added and deleted me on FB go by now and it hasn't been long at all. Though the question in my mind was why she added me in the first place. Of course, she told me that she thought that I was cute and that I seemed nice. I guess she only deleted me for reasons only she knows.

All I can say is that she probably wasn't worth it to begin with.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

crazyfnbill wrote:
Oh, it was... 2001 maybe... I don't remember where I 'met' the girl but it was online. We chatted TONS and really started to dig each other. But, one day we decided to meet in person.

And don't give me that 'Maybe you just didn't click' crap... because I'll NEVER forget the look on her face when we met. It was a look of :

"Oh shit, what the *** did I get into"

*raises eyebrow* Wait, wait, wait... you never exchanged photos or anything before deciding to meet up? Because that's what it sounds like.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Maimee wrote:
sweet_sensation wrote:
4) Put your problems in perspective - are they really that dramatic compared to world poverty or AIDS?

Good suggestions generally, but I've always loathed this sort of thing in response to someone's problems. Very little is comparable to poverty or AIDS - that doesn't mean lesser problems aren't still problems. It's reductive, dismissive, and doesn't help one single bit. If someone is having relationship troubles, depression, money worries or even just a bad self-esteem day, wagging your finger at them and saying think of the children in Africa does not make those things any better, at all. It certainly doesn't put things in perspective. Who does it help? Comfortable westerners suddenly hugging their faulty washing machines and thinking "at least I'm not starving and homeless like you" is just worse if anything. smiley

This, it's a particular bugbear of mine. It just ends up avoiding the problem in itself. Not to mention I'm not exactly fond of the fact that there are starving people in Africa and other nations so it induces sorrow in me about that as well on top of what I was already feeling. Fortunately I was able to convince some I know of this so they don't use that trick on me anymore.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

I didn't think that this thread would get bumped. All I can say is that I don't know what more I can add to this thread because I met someone and I am talking to her, as well as the fact that we both like each other.

Of course, I don't know if anybody else has a take on this subject.
12 years

Talking to not talking.

Softly wrote: the subject...what does bumped mean??

Bring Up My Post. Basically bringing a topic back into the set of most recent topics again by posting in it.
12 years