
Whats your favourite joke?

Dubuque, IA A car is weaving & a cop pulls the driver over. When the police officer goes up to the car he finds a zebra on the passenger side & a parrot on the drunk driver's shoulder. The officer questions the driver about it. (All the above is true I added the punch line) The guy said, "The zebra said he couldn't drive, but the parrot said he would give me directions."
12 years

Whats your favourite joke?

This sh!t is BaNaNaS...

Barium Sodium Sodium Sulfur.


A man walks into a bar, says "Ow".


What do you call a fish with no eyes,


Did you hear the one about the Siamese Twins? Yea, they're beside themselves.
12 years

Whats your favourite joke?

There were two rats,feeder and feedee,the feedee rat became enormouse !!
12 years