
Fat fetish documentry

Agree with CurvyEm.
This was a a one hour documentary introducing others to this was non judgemental in my view and gave the participants a fair hearing.
In my view it's a start and to be was never,obviously ,going to cover all of the distinctions between gainers and feedees (like me),feederism generally and female internet modelling etc.It's a fact that some women make money from FA men and bloody good thing too in my view,so don't knock it.
From my personal perspective,I really related to the things that Kit said..made me feel great:am not alonesmiley
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Roughly what I expected. Fairly balanced and Kit came across very well. I do understand that there could have been more about the everyday person, but unless there was going to be a series on this subject, I don't see where they would have the time. That is the problem with one off documentaries, as such, it's really hard to know what the general public would have thought of this program. However, to any budding feedees, or big women in general it could be seen as a fair documentary.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

It was interesting 2 watch & will spread awareness about feeding & gaining which is a good thing. They couldnt help sensationalising a bit. U had the newbe from uk just starting out on her web model carear, then stuffing kit whos been actively gaining 4 a couple of years, & finally patty whos been gaining 4 12 years & can now hardly get out of bed. I felt they made the assumption that ending up like patty was the inevitable course of this route. The final scene was patty feeling upset about being so heavy, then being wheeled out 2 get more food. C4 cant help themselves, however overall i think the documentry will probably do more good than harm. Knowing about us is the first step, then once their over the shock people will hopefully start 2 become more accepting
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

The way it ended wasn't the best. However, what really came across was the other girls wouldn't take it to the point where they weren't happy with their health and physic.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

I have mixed feelings. I had wondered if some of my friends who don't know about my fetish/preferences might see it and I could then talk about it with them. But because of the shock-value parts I think it's more likely to make them think I'm a freak than someone who just happens to have a particular niche interest that maybe they hadn't heard about before. They'd probably immediately make the assumption that I'm going to end up immobile and unhappy, or that I am only doing it because that's what the men in my life want me to do.

There seemed to be a lot of reference to the fact that a lot of the fans of these women wanted them to get bigger. The implication, especially in the voice-over for Patty, was that she was getting bigger primarily for that reason, and not because she personally wanted it or enjoyed it. It was more balanced when interviewing Kitt and Reenaye though as they made it clear it was part of their sexuality and what they wanted.

I agree with some of the posters above that it would be refreshing to see a documentary focussing on more regular people who have either come to terms with and enjoy being fat despite society's pressures, or with people who do have a fat/wg/belly fetish but aren't making money from it or pushing it to extremes. However I imagine most of us who fall into those categories would be wary of appearing on television for our gran/employer/more "straightlaced" friends to see...

I enjoyed the start to the programme though. I thought Lizzie, the gorgeous blonde from Leeds, was a terrific advert for how bigger girls can be sassy, fashionable, beautifully made up and impeccably dressed, and someone who I'm sure a huge percentage of the male viewers would love to have on their arm on a night out, whether they were FAs or not.

Reenaye and Kitt's boyfriends were portrayed well I thought. I was worried beforehand that any partners or admirers in the show would be spun as creepy, controlling types with no regard for the woman's wellbeing.

And what's with all the fast-food eating they filmed? We fatties CAN eat normal healthy food as well you know! Like, just more of it!!
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Although realistic in a way, yet I again have strange taste in my mouth after watching the documentary. Like after a bitter pill.

When, OH! WHEN?! :o, are they gonna make a nice, fat positive documentary for a change?? Of some average funny FAT couple. Like for example 'Mike&Molly'*** are. Doing some daily routine. And fat just not being an issue at all? *sigh* smiley

It has all been nice put, but I still cannot escape the feeling that it is old good freak-show, firstplace .

*** [ ]
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

HeavyInYourArms wrote:
I liked the program, honestly. I thought the music choices were hilarious, and the content was accurate. Everybody keeps lashing out about how Patty was portrayed, but it seems like it would've been a lie for them NOT to portray both sides of the coin. They never said Kit, Lizzy, or Reenaye would end up immobile as well, but to completely ignore the fact that there is a darker aspect to a fetish that is in fact a lifestyle wouldn't be honest. People who regret their weight gain are just another type of person who gained. We're all adults who are aware of the fact that this lifestyle is not all kittens and rainbows.

well said
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

LoveMyFat wrote:
By the way, I also did this magazine article leading up to the show, which was incredibly positive. Let me know what you think!
Brilliant came across as sensible and intelligent and (and this was a HUGE surprise!)the Mirror treated the subject intelligently.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

I thought it was a fair portrayal of a pretty out there subculture. It wasn't gawking at the freaks like all the other stuff like this I've seen.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

mattplaysmusic wrote:
does anyone else thinks its rather disturbing that Patty's son had to see his own mother naked and had to take care of her completely?

12 years
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