

rubyripples wrote:
I thought our song was lovely, so old fashioned and sweet, and beautifully sung by an old legend. He was older than all but one of the Russian "grannies" I think, at seventy-six years old. I'm really not into songs like that usually but I really liked this one. I did think Sweden would win, as they had a rather euphoric, ten yrs out of date Ibiza style song, which was bound to appeal particularly to northern Europe.

He is older than 22 of the competing nations, let alone the entries!

I ruddy love Eurovision. I liked Germany and Italy and Denmark. Germany and Italy nabbed smaller points consistently without taking too much attention. Apparently the Danish entry was struck down with an illness during the week which hampered her performance. She still did better than us, mind XD.
12 years


Germany was my favourite with Greece being my second smiley
12 years


Loved the Swedes! Also loved the Lithuanians, Hungarians and the Danes smiley
12 years


MissLou wrote:
Softly wrote:
Go jedward!!!

My guilty pleasure!!!

I just love em!


Mine too...I think it's 'cos they're just so bad, they're good
They should be renamed J-Ed-Wood.
12 years