
"letting go"

Who here would say they've "let go" with regard to their weight?
12 years

"letting go"

Having put on over 100 pounds over the last 8 years, most people would probably say so! smiley

Honestly, though, if I really let go with my appetite I'd probably be bankrupt or immobile within 5 years.
12 years

"letting go"

From subsequent conversations on this it seems to me that people "let go" when they realize they like eating and gaining more than they care about what others think or any other possible downsides.

Typically they will gain unintentionally and discover they like it more than they ever thought they would and/or realize that whatever they were afraid of isn't as bad as they feared.

At this point they


12 years

"letting go"

I certainly fit into this description. All throughout my youth, I wanted to be fat, but was afraid to go through with it - partly because of the reactions of my friends and family, partly because of how society looks upon being fat and other insecurities.

Eventually though, I got the courage to stop worrying about things and allowed myself to be myself. It was a pretty scary thing to do at first, but I eventually began to allow myself to like being fat and enjoy my weight gain.

It's sometimes the most terrifying thing to allow yourself to truly be happy, much less go through with it.
12 years

"letting go"

porterhouse125 wrote:
I want to let go, and give in...

I don't know--"giving in" sounds like a defeat. You want to think of it as a victory.
12 years

"letting go"

I let go many years ago. I'm not trying to gain, I just eat what I want when I want to. Naturally, that's seen a slow but steady increase in weight ...
12 years

"letting go"

AskDrFeeder wrote:
From subsequent conversations on this it seems to me that people "let go" when they realize they like eating and gaining more than they care about what others think or any other possible downsides.

Typically they will gain unintentionally and discover they like it more than they ever thought they would and/or realize that whatever they were afraid of isn't as bad as they feared.

At this point they



Ahhh... I've not 'quite' let go yet but I'm working on it.. but hey I've pretty much doubled my weight in 10 years so I guess I'm definitely closer than I used to be to letting go..

Anyone want to help to convince me to let go? Any encouragement by private message is greatly welcomed smiley
12 years

"letting go"

I've never held back...always ate what I wanted. And it shows! smiley
12 years

"letting go"

Abundance wrote:
It was more like giving in than letting go.

Did it feel good to give in?
12 years

"letting go"

There is something profoundly arousing and desirable about that phrase, "letting go." As a feeder, I love when a feedee "lets go" and indulges in her deepest appetite and desires. But I, too, have harbored the "letting go" desire for years. I love the thought of mutual gaining and were in such a relationship I suspect I would completely let go as we both grew fatter. It is a very primal urge.
12 years
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