

yeah i sore this last night. I thought it was great movie. and left with a lot of questions...haha im guessing we have the same questions. But it makes me want to go watch the alien movies all again now
12 years


I saw it - I liked it
12 years


The movie Prometheus is not set on the same planet as Alien which is LV-426. At the start of alein they get a distress/warning signal from LV-426. Thats where they find the ship that was carrying all the eggs and not the vases in Prometheus. So Im sure there's a movie in between Prometheus and Alien. That should explain how they get to the egg stage.

From my understanding of the start where he space jockey drinks that stuff is that he created humans. Well the start of it. eg theory of evolution. Also as David says in the film "Big things have small beginnings". I would assume that plant the engineer is on is earth as straight after that they show those scientist in Scotland finding the start map.
12 years


GOOD wrote:
It entertained me, more with the graphics and confusion than anything... but I was still entertained.

If Im remembering right, in the first Alien movie when Sigourney Weaver first starts exploring the site, she comes across a dead giant humanoid alien sitting in a giant chair that looks INSANELY similar to the chair David sits in to operate the alien ship (where the live alien is still sleeping)

Anyone else catch that or am I just insane? My best guess is that planet LV-426 in the old movie is the same one in the new movie. Alien is just set a looong time after Prometheus.

Su'cuy, so you're still alive.

The planet that the expedition went to is LV-14 *I think*. The sequel will probably take place on LV-426.

And actually, the chair that the Engineer *space jockey* sat in to operate the ship is the one that makes it's cameo in Alien.
12 years


Prometheous was pretty awesome. There is one thing though in the plot that makes me wonder. Riddle me this, in the first AVP movie Sanaa Lathan's character Alexa Woods and the archaeologist guy (can't remember his name), figured out that the rite of passage for killing the Xenomorphs was a tradition that went back thousands of years (even before the predators came to Earth). How then, assuming the distinctive Xenomorph from Prometheus did they already have them in the temple, and dormant for hundreds of thousands of years? Unless they're both completely unrelated. Still an altogether awesome film.
12 years


y2kboris1 wrote:
Prometheous was pretty awesome. There is one thing though in the plot that makes me wonder. Riddle me this, in the first AVP movie Sanaa Lathan's character Alexa Woods and the archaeologist guy (can't remember his name), figured out that the rite of passage for killing the Xenomorphs was a tradition that went back thousands of years (even before the predators came to Earth). How then, assuming the distinctive Xenomorph from Prometheus did they already have them in the temple, and dormant for hundreds of thousands of years? Unless they're both completely unrelated. Still an altogether awesome film.

My theory on that is that the Predators came across the Engineers *maybe had a war with them* and discovered the Xenomorph aliens.

I'm also going to go say that since the goo is obviously capable of producing the Xenos then the Engineers probably realized this fairly early on *remember the ships that the expedition found had been there for a very long time too*.

And the Predators, being impressed with the ferocity of the Xenos, took some of them as spoils of war.
12 years


Yes, I believe the "zombie" was actually caused by the small worms that he saw in his own eye after he woke up *though why he didn't go to the infirmary after seeing the parasite in his eye is beyond me*

There are many species on earth that are capable of hijacking another animal's nervous system, so I figure that's what happened there.
12 years


Not going to lie, I was disappointed.

I just thought the process the Alien went through to become the final product was a bit much, while also it just being a very slow paced movie. I felt like I had no real attachment to any of the characters and didn't even care when they died.

I wish they would of just stuck to a story around finding the Aliens there that maybe those greater beings (or more advanced humans, whatever) created and saw how they were wiped out by them.
12 years