
The "tipping" point

I lasted almost 50 years of never having weighed 200 lbs.During one year that I stopped the gym and avoided the scale I went from 192 to 222. Since then I have been back at the gym since 2008 and still can't get below 210.

Yes. I really believe there was a Tipping Point.For me the symbolic 200 lbs.A number at which I started getting a big belly to go with my big
12 years

The "tipping" point

Kind of scared of the idea of hitting a tipping point, as whilst I like gaining I like to be in control of it as much as I can. The idea of it suddenly running away and gaining inumerable pounds without trying is both petrifying and rather sexy
12 years

The "tipping" point

The tipping point is real, and should occur around a BMI of 30 where syndrome X kicks in.
10 years

The "tipping" point

Not sure if mine was an exact tipping point or number.....but in the last couple of years it seems I cant get below a certain weight.

I used to be able to work out hard and eat pretty healthy along with some cardio workouts and lose a good 20 Lbs in a matter of a couple of months and get right at 200 Lbs or just below.

Currently if I do all the same training I cant get below 220 Lbs. Not to mention if I start to eat more and my appetite gets bigger even while working out I can put on weight pretty darn fast.

With me its kind of like muscle memory for those of you who knows what that is.....but the only difference is it is now weight and fat memory. I can go from 220 Lbs. to 245 Lbs. in a matter of two months just by eating a little more unhealthy and my appetite starts to open up.

Once I start eating less and doing more cardio it takes a long time now to lose any of the weight. I have not been below 230 Lbs. for about a year maybe my new resting point NOT set point is now 230 Lbs.
10 years

The "tipping" point

Evie Gainer wrote:
Oh my goodness, I really hope this theory is true! Except I really need the tipping point now more than in the future when I'outm already nicely fatsmiley

I think for Y Evie the Tipping Point will be 160 to 180 at the most. A 30-50 lbs gain over your long time steady weight. You will be noticeably fatter and substantially changed.
So keep striving for three to five lbs s week and you'll be"Tipping" in a few short weeks m
10 years

The "tipping" point

I believe in the tipping point, but it doesn't happen for everyone. Some people hit plateaus rather than tipping points!
10 years

The "tipping" point

Wow socialism you really stepped up the pace.Your overall gain from October has been Astounding. It's about 3 lbs every 4 days. But since your tipping point at 129 you're gaining almost a lb a day! So nice to see your pics again too.You look great!
10 years