
Bbws around town

I've been wondering these things for years. In my job as a taxi driver I have seen many very slim girls get fatter over the years. Do often wonder whether some of them gained on purpose, probably unlikely, but you never know.

One girl in particular, that I picked up often, went from underweight to definitely overweight in the space of about 3 years. What made me really curious about this girl was that she looked like she had been really stuffing herself, as the clothes she wore showed off her gaining very well (tight jeans and a t-shirt that showed off her love handles and muffin top to great effect). She was about 5'2 and must have gained at least 50lbs.

I don't think she was on this site and some of the others are very unlikely to be either, but then again it's hardly something you shout about from the rooftops.
12 years

Bbws around town

At the last London BGP I had 2 separate guys come up to me at the bar who saw me on the train (about an hour away from the venue), and said they were wondering whether I was going to BGP.

I know it's a bit different, but it just shows that a lot of people probably do think about these things, and sometimes it might just be so! smiley

I do too, though I try not to think about it too much. I think most people probably aren't happy with their bodies, and it makes me sad.

I do sometimes think about it with guys though. If I catch somebody checking me out, or if somebody tries to dance with me or starts chatting me up, I do sometimes wonder whether they are on any fat sites haha.
12 years