
Do you like your job?

I had a really stable well paid office job that would have led to moving up higher in the company and I left it to move down south and live with my mum again because her fiance had just died and she wasnt coping well, I obviously dont regret it all because the job was starting to bore me and nothing is as important as helping family and now my mum is not lonely but sometimes I wonder what I would be doing now if I had of stayed.

and now I am working from home and loving it !
12 years

Do you like your job?

Don't love my main job(s), but I enjoy it a fair amount of the time.

I work as a photographer for a portrait company, and that can be really stressful- and also pretty awesome.

But having the summers off is really tough on the wallet, so this summer I went back to something I'm too experienced in- fast food. It's a crap job, but I'm working with probably the best crew I've ever been with anywhere. Oh, and did I mention that it's in Yellowstone National Park? Just look at the view about half a mile from where I live.

As a side job- and I frigging love this side job- I do photography for BBW modeling sites. It's fun, it's something I'm good at, it's something that is totally aligned with my interests... if I could earn more from it I'd make it less of a side job.
12 years

Do you like your job?

I enjoy being a taxi driver, it suits my personality, I'm good at it and I have cash on the hip. It also means that I don't have any pressure to have to win playing poker or betting on the horses. Therefore I can go about these pursuits with more confidence and a clearer head, which enables me to have constant winning years.
12 years

Do you like your job?

Although my job is far from perfect, i was hoping to be doing something more impressive than stacking boxes in a Warehouse by the time i was 24.
It pays the bills and i've got to know a good group of people, plus as far as jobs go i have done far worst in the past. So overall it's not to bad.
12 years

Do you like your job?

Actually I hate my job. It's boring, and I have to deal with lots of idiots. The are two saving graces though. I love my co-workers which is rare to find that. I have almost no problems with any of them. And there is a healthy supply of ladies that range from curvy to plump to fluffy to fat. Seeing all them wide hips, big booties, and bouncing bellies and boobs confined in soon to be too tight clothes TOTALLY makes it worth dealing with a few idiots. X-)
12 years