
Weight distribution

Im pretty top heavy. Almost all to belly and moobs
12 years

Weight distribution

It used to be spread quite equally all over my body, but nowadays everything is going to grow my lowest part of belly. It has grown huge during last years and now gut is hanging very deep under. Arms and legs have remained as they were. OK I am not seeing my legs very well over my fat rolls of belly, so I think also upper part of legs has grown with butt. Butt is definately grown as well as I am not fitting in some chairs with armrests, where I used to fit earlier.
12 years

Weight distribution

Mine goes basically all to my belly, arms, hips and face lol
but my thighs and bum have started to get fatter but only recently.
12 years

Weight distribution

littleyellowspider wrote:
Hips, legs, and butt.

i have no boobs smiley

You have great boobs smiley
12 years

Weight distribution

almost everything in my belly, a little in chest and even, even if I don't realize me, in my butt because I can not put old trousers
12 years

Weight distribution

Though, I have not gained a lot of weight this year, my waist has increased, but my buttocks too. I seem to have an inch difference between my waist size (44 inches) and my buttocks/bottom (43 inches). I do enjoy having a fat butt as well as a belly.
10 years

Weight distribution

I'm certain that you look Amazing with your double chin.Maybe in time you will embrace it as a sign of your Fabulous Transformation from skinny to Bombshell! smiley
10 years