
Anyone feel like this?

> Wishing that you don't have this fetish due to how non mainstream and miss-understood it is?

I used to feel that way but at this point it just seems part of me. If I lost the fetish I wouldn't be me anymore!

And anyway, believe it or not, you younger guys have it good. At least there's SOME recognition of the fetish these days, plus places (like ff) where it's accepted. When I was your age I didn't even know feedees and other feeders existed!
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

I've also found it very isolating, liking a form of person that few others seemed to like, and wanting to see more of that person. I first started to notice that I was attracted to larger women when places like this and Dimensions were in their infancy, in the mid/late 90's, and it really helped, at the very least, to have a forum for like-minded people. Knowing it wasn't just me was a big help.

And I can't speak for everyone, but time seems to have at least partially remedied the dilemma for me. Many of my friends from high school have gained some weight in the last ten years (I would go so far as to say most of them have,) and in doing so, I think everyone is a bit more tolerant of my weight than they might have been a few years ago. Tolerance for the fetish has risen along with people's weight, and I'm pretty sure some of my friends have developed into feeders themselves. As for family...well, that's a bit trickier.

And I totally agree with Dr.F; yeah, it sucks being a gainer with nobody around to help you gain or to encourage you, but if I didn't have this preference, I'd be a totally different person. We are shaped by our negative experiences just as much as we are by positive experiences. Now, I'm not saying that an abundance of misery is good for the soul, just that some of the more difficult things in life can, if endured, be some of the most rewarding.

The best advice I can give is to not despair; talk to people here, many of us have been through similar experiences, and if nothing else, can chew over old war wounds with you.
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

mones sunu wrote:Not that anyone should be in the (pantry?)

LOL! Love this. Feeders, come out of the pantry!
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

I've never really felt that way because I have so many fetishes (fetishi?).

I mean it doesn't get much stranger than going from liking fat women to liking fit and muscular women and back again plus all sorts of other things in between. I mean I have breast (and Breast expansion), booty (and booty expansion), tall girl, pregnant females, sub/dom, bondage, feeder/feedee, female weight gain, and forcefeeding fetishes. And I'm apparently a dingo furry and does amazing anthro and anthro weight gain stories. So as far as I'm concerned, I don't particularly care what others say. My tastes are so varied and out there that even mention of one of those would get a WTF-face.

My fetishes turn me on and because there are so many of them I don't necessarily need one or the other to get off. Granted weight gain with bulging breasts, bellies, booties, thighs and whatnot usually takes center stage. But honestly, when people ask, it boils down to liking big girls for me, regardless of how their curves adorn their beautiful bodies. People won't like it and that's cool, but the mainstream skinny/"fit" women don't do it for me. That's the way I am. I can't change that without changing a big part of me. So I says to them, "Say your piece and move on. I neither have the time nor brain space for your ignorant blathering. Besides, my beautiful lady is waiting."

I hope that helps some.smiley
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

Well, at least it is legal. How about people who have fetishes that are illegal?
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

You know taste and desires can be changing with years. I have always liked big girls. I dont know why, but it has always been my dream. When I was young fat boy I dreamed about girls in 200 pounds range and even thought that 300 + girls are too big for me. Now I am dreaming about SSBBW girls in 400-500 weight range and thinking 300 pounds is too skinny for me and 200 is totally out of my interest. Probably it has something to do also my own weight as I am now myself over 400 pounds. I know this is fantasy as there are very few big girls, who like big boys, but I still can dream.smiley
12 years

Anyone feel like this?

mones sunu wrote:
I HAVE felt that way before but I've long since given it up, not only because it's a waste of time, but also because I have to consider impacts that my fetish has had on me other than sexual frustration, which, granted, yeah there's been that too. Here's one thing, for example: I'm a straight, white, middle-class male. There isn't a whole lot about my demographic information that isn't something like society's default. I've made a lot of decisions in my life that have put me at odds with what is expected but most of it didn't come until after really confronting my fetish and realizing that the aforementioned "defaults" are bullshit. I CAN'T change, so when confronted with anything that tells me I'm wrong, I feel it in my heart that I can say "No, YOU are wrong." This isn't a choice, this is something that comes from so deep inside of me that it pervades everything I do, and if I can't accept it I can't accept any other part of me. My utter failure to deny this part of me as a teenager has helped or maybe even forced me to accept other parts of myself as well.

Another thing is that yeah, I'm a feeder, whether I like it or not, but that doesn't mean anyone else has to know it if I don't want them to. Not that anyone should be in the (pantry?) but we feeders sometimes like to mention that society is so unaccepting of our ways... but let's get real, any discrimination most of us face is a joke compared to what other demographic minorities face, including the fat people that we adore, and all we need to do to not face it just simply not say anything.

True, to wish for a more even proportion of feeders and feedees is probably legitimate, although it's never specifically been a problem for me. But anything else that's really a problem for me as a feeder is probably more a problem caused by being any kind of sexual being. No, I don't wish I wasn't a feeder - and I just hope to someday find a feedee who can also not wish I wasn't a feeder with me.

Not going lie, this helped alot. I was thinking on and off about whether I wanted to go through with my preference with my next relationship. After reading this I'm certain now that I'm going for it and going to stop rejecting my taste in women. I'm 20 now and only a couple months of seeing everyone mature around me and being around more accepting people it's safe to say that i'm getting closer to being me. If by the time im 21 or 22 I'm going out with my ideal woman and "friends" chose to judge me, then are they friends? nope. This helped alot and I thought I was the only one who started to feel this way, thanks man.
12 years