Submission and domination

Fat girl laws

Cassieandra8291 wrote:
i need to show these rules to my fiance, he's not exactly a feeder-type but he's really into bdsm and puts rules on me, this might be right up his alley then smiley

It may even get him to take that turn down the bdsm alley where feederism lays.smiley

I think if the girl likes being humiliated and/or humiliated in public should part of the rule 3 and 4 apply. If not, then I think they should be reduced to more of playful teasing.
12 years

Fat girl laws

Sometimes a man has to lay down the law to let a girl know who's the boss.

I had a situation recently where I had to lay down the law with my gf.

I had two slices of pizza left over in my fridge that I was going to have for dinner. And I told my gf this when she texted me and asked what I was going to eat for dinner.

Well, my gf has a key to my flat, and when I got home she was sitting on the couch, watching TV, with this big "hehe" grin on her face. She had eaten both slices.

I told her that she was going to have to go get me a pizza. She said she would and got up to go. I told her she was going to go get me a pizza but not in what she was wearing. She was wearing sweatpants and sweat shirt. These had become her fat girl clothes since she had put on about 40 lbs.

I went back into the bedroom and came out with a pair of shorts and a t- shirt that fit her 40 lbs ago. Then I told her she was going to go get me a pizza while wearing them.

She put them on. The shorts wouldn't button and her fat thunder thighs looked liked they were gonna burst through them. The shirt was so small it couldn't contain her belly flab from poking out of the bottom.

After much hesitation she went and got my pizza. I was knackered so for all I know she went straight to her car and got a jumper. But the fact is I laid down the law and made her *** get me my pizza.

I only ended up eating two slices anyway. She ate the rest.
11 years

Fat girl laws

I would change rule 4 a bit.

Whimpering and blushing and acting shy about going in public [but of course submitting to that anyway] is hot.
11 years

Fat girl laws

I'm right here boo.
9 years

Fat girl laws

Rule 6 please!!!
8 years