
Weight gain for someone else

Hey Alice. I'd be cautious about gaining wait "for" anyone. If you choose to do it, do it for you, and don't set an arbitrary weight goal right away—just see how it feels, how he responds, that you like what you look like in the mirror, that you're still keeping active/physical, etc. It can be hard to deprogram some of those societal voices in your head, so don't rush yourself.

That said, the best way to get comfortable gaining—and feel secure in his desire for your new body—is to have him help feed you. The look in his eyes as he spoonfeeds you your favorite flavor of ice cream will block out those friends' negative voices in an instant.
12 years

Weight gain for someone else

Dump those "friends",they seem to enjoy making you feel bad and are no help to you as far as having a feeling of self worth.True friends are not just people that you hang with,they are a valuable support system.As far as if you gain or not,just remember it is your body,and as long as you feel good about it,do what YOU want.
12 years

Weight gain for someone else

I agree with all these comments pretty much, but that said...I'd love you to gain. smiley
12 years

Weight gain for someone else

I'm with the majority here as well. Gain weight if you want to and like, not for someone else's sake. It's about being comfortable in your own skin. If you aren't, it can create all sorts of problems. I'd suggest trying maybe a small 3-5lb gain, maybe even 10 pound gain and see if you like it. If not you'll know, and if you do you'll know. And if you're undecided, well that could go either way.
12 years

Weight gain for someone else

Gain a couple of pounds, see how you feel. I'm sure that your boyfriend will love the effects, but in the end it really matters what you think. Regardless, I think it's great that your willing to do this for your significant other. I hope to have a pretty lady put on a couple extra for me one day.
12 years