
Bbw's as girlfriends.........

Softly wrote:
Would you actually date a big girl?

Yes. I don't go out to impress the public, *** the public. I just want to have a happy life with someone I'd love.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I've been told in the past I am more like a woman in my selective process. Chemisty and there being a spark between the people in question is what matters. I'll suppress my manly lusty instincts unless those things are there.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

Before my illness set in I had proudly dated about half a dozen BBWs and two high end SSBBWs,formed LTRs with two,but having a big girl on my arm really made me feel good...smileysmiley
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I never understood people who worried about what their friends or relatives might think, if they where seen with a larger Woman.
Life is for living and it's to short to spend worrying about what others might think. If i did hook up with a woman on here, i wouldn't care what others might potentialy think and would certainly have no problem with taking her out or being seen with her.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I really dont think any guys are going to come on and admit to only liking fat girls in private.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I admit that NOW I'm ready to admit my fetish and dating big girls...but only if they like this world, not the gaining side...they like being big. But I admit that the first years I discovered this world I never think I could change my tastes
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

gnosis wrote:
i'm confused...what would i want a skinny girlfriend for? smiley

Well, don't put down skinny women. I think the point of the post is about men who refuse to date BBWs even though they prefer them, as opposed to someone who may fall in love with someone who happens to be skinny.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I would like to date a bbw but to date I haven't had much luck with it. My problem is because I'm too damn shy I always have a tendency to screw it up whether they're big or not lol. Ironically the few female friends that I have ever opened up to who were bigger have friend-zoned me before I ever had a chance it seems.
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

mones sunu wrote:

You know, I think it's weird how sometimes FA's and/or feeders might be embarrassed to be seen with a fat woman, but a totally non-FA but normal non-*** person has no problem with it. It's like we carry it around like it's some huge burden when it really isn't. Seriously, who gives a crap who you're dating, and why would anyone care if they do? It seems some people are more effected by some kind of superego complex rather than their actual peers.

Yesss I agree with this so much !
my sister used to be really big and had a boyfriend and no one ever questioned why they were together or said anything negative, over here if someone is rude about your girlfriend most guys would just punch you out, like its not accepted.
no one says things about other peoples partners really and if you do youre seen as a total ***.

Ive also noticed that alot of guys are happy to be seen with a fat girl around strangers but dont want their family and friends to meet her, I had one person meet with me and instead of just telling their family they met up with a girl they made up some story. so lame. like I dont get why you wouldnt just say you were meeting a girl, its not like you have to say OH AND BTW SHES FAT JUST FYI
12 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

I never dated a girl under 200 lbs. Then again, I was to shy to date any girl untill the age of 20, mainly because I was too insecure to admit I like big girls. It was hard to come out of the fat closet (or pantry if you will), but it was the best thing I ever did!
12 years
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