
The white knight syndrom

What I mean by this are acts of kindness in defending a bbw/bhm from cruel comments made by the "beautiful" people.
I work at a gas station.1 day a truck load of young men pulled in for gas.A young lady of substantial size was coming up the street opposite the station.The occupants of the truck started making crude remarks."Look at that pig!OMG how can her legs carry that ***.Hey COW ever hear of dieting!"
I politely said "Gentlemen,those comments are uncalled for.How would you like it if that was your sister & someone else was saying those things about her?"
The truck got quiet.Then the driver said "Sir,I apologize for the behavior of my friends."He paid for the gas & they pulled away.
I don't know if they were sincere or just humoring an old man but I do know it felt good putting them in their place & giving them something to think about.
12 years

The white knight syndrom

Good Job ! I loveee hearing about things like this, its about time people got told off for this bullshit !
12 years

The white knight syndrom

But Dragorat, I don't think you have "white knight syndrome". It's usually considered a bad thing. As in, having a compulsive need to rescue others (sometimes for dubious motives):

What you did was confront abusive, rude and insensitive people and challenge them, with no expectation of reward or personal gratification for yourself. Bravo!
12 years