
Just how fat are you?

I feel fatter than I have ever felt. Ive never been skinny, but before college i was around 250 and in amazing shape. Now my shape is round lol
12 years

Just how fat are you?

I'm 240 lbs (or 108'ish kgs) at the moment though it's been up as high as 109.8 kg and as low as 107.8 kgs in the last couple of weeks.

I'm aiming for somewhere between 250 and 265 lbs or 113 - 120 kgs. I think that's a good weight for me to aim for and I don't think I'll look TOO big or TOO round and fat.

I'm 6'2" (or 1.88m) so I can carry a higher weight.

At the moment my gut is 48 inches standing and 50.5 inches when sitting, I'm aiming to have ATLEAST 50 inches standing and probably even higher... I'd say up to 55 inches would be ok, though that may be quite big!

Any help or encouragement by personal message is great.. And if anyone can send me what's left of their engorge bottle to try I'd love to give it a go... smiley
12 years

Just how fat are you?

now I'm 5'5'' (164cm) to 125lbs (57kg) via the classic calculation of BMI is 21.2 I'd like to get about 25 or 150lbs (68kg).
But I've seen that the pulse small, only 5.51 inch (14cm), and according to that calculation risulterei already overweight only 132lbs (60kg) and obese grade I to 143lbs (65kg), which upset me a little 'I have really small bones.smiley
12 years

Just how fat are you?

I'm 6'4" and weigh a bit over 30 stone at the moment. Back at my heaviest.

This gives me a BMI of 40+ and a body fat percentage of 40% and so classed as class 3 morbidly obese.

I know I'm fat and I see a fat guy when I look in the mirror, I don't however see someone considered to be class 3 morbidly obese. I'm sure the whole BMI thing is pretty flawed anyway.

12 years

Just how fat are you?

My BMI is now 57,81 according chart it is Obese Class 3 : Morbid Obesity.
I am feeling myself well and I do not think I am overweight. I love my fat body. However I am not gaining intentionally, if I am gaining that is fine and if not that is also fine.
12 years

Just how fat are you?

Let's see, 5'10" and now at 192 pounds. My first short term goal is 200 pounds, but after that, who knows ... 250 sounds awesome for reason, but 300-350 would be by prefered weight. I don't know why, but those numbers just 'appeal' to me. Then again, the big belly hanging over my jeans appeals to me even more smiley
12 years

Just how fat are you?

Weighing in earlier this year, I thought I would be at 217 or 218-lbs. To my surprise and excitement, I weighed in at 227-lbs earlier this year. I'm more heavier than I expected. Keep on eating Diva.
11 years

Just how fat are you?

my BMI is 29,51 now, I hope to reach 30 at the end of Christmas and enter to the obesity level.
11 years

Just how fat are you?

I think all would agree that I am spectacularly corpulent.
11 years

Just how fat are you?

Ht.5'8" weight #370 BMI 56.3 feel great!
11 years
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