
What is "too thin?"

People who are too thin often suffer the same discrimination as fat people. Strangers walk up to them and give them advice they should not be giving. People look in their carts when they shop and wonder what they buy. They assume that their eating habbits are wrong, even though some people are genetically very thin, and some are fat.
12 years

What is "too thin?"

Too thin depends of standpoint of viewer. When I was at range of 300 pounds, I considered people under 200 pounds thin. Now when I am over 400 pounds I consider thin people are less than 300 pounds. I am not thinking myself as overweight person, I am taking my weight as normal. I am feeling well and dont think I must have diet to reduce my weight. It was really funny when I was at flea-market and one person sold there clothes for big sizes. So I asked is there 7-8 XL clothes available. She said no and that I must diet as I am too fat. I dont feel myself fat. I didnt mentioned her that acctually I am still gaining and next year I probably need already 9 xl clothes. I am doing nothing for gaining or stopping it, simply I know that every month I will have like 2-3 extra pounds coming.
12 years

What is "too thin?"

"Go eat a sammich you look like you're anorexic" is nowhere near being on the same level as the discrimination that fat people deal with. It's the same sport, sure, but we're talking the difference between little league and the major leagues here.

Once society broadcasts the message that thinness is unhealthy and that people who are thin are mentally unsound, sexually undesirable, responsible for the world's issues, and less than human, perhaps then you could maybe say that thin people face the same discrimination.

This doesn't make it at all acceptable- the people who are harassing people about being too thin are jerks for sure. But use your brain before saying that the discrimination is anything resembling equal.
12 years

What is "too thin?"

Having been anorexic throughout the whole of high school (in England that's from the age of 11 to 18), I can say you would honestly be surprised at the level of abuse I got for looking the way I did. I won't go into detail, but let's just say the abuse did not simply stop at name-calling and verbal slander; it did get physical.

However, it was not quite on par with the bullying I knew some of my overweight friends suffered at different schools. It was close, but probably only due to the extreme at which my weight sat. Those who were thin without looking ill were certainly not abused over anything as far as I know.

But this is only regarding personal and direct abuse as opposed to society's view of fat people and thin people as a whole. On such a wide scale, I must say that from what I have seen that people who are deemed overweight do suffer worse abuse than those whom society labels as 'thin'.

So I suppose what I'm trying to say is: people who carry more weight are typically subject to worse abuse than than those who are 'thin' by society's standards, however each case is entirely circumstantial to the individual.

Just my two pence-worth smiley
11 years