
How to encourage weight gain

yeah the whole "secret fattening" thing is quite a taboo subject.

Though in relationships people can gain weight without knowing it:
it's to do with matching portions, laxing the workout scehdule etc

12 years

How to encourage weight gain

No need to really do anything special, just do the cooking with really nice tasty ingredient's , maybe slightly bigger portions, some wine, Invite them on a few nights out to fine restaurants and ultimately a holiday/ cruise, the pounds will soon pile on if they feel comfy, content and most of all loved.
If they are destined to be fat then they will do sosmiley
12 years

How to encourage weight gain

For those who think it is OK to change someone else's body without them knowing about it:

How would you like it, if you were a male, to have someone give you female hormones and have you lose your sexual ability. Or, if you were a female, have someone give you male hormones and permanently mess up your voice, etc.?

There is a good chance that any weight gain is going to be permanent. That person will lose any trust in you. They also may be miserable. They will feel controlled.

The answer is: You Don't!
12 years

How to encourage weight gain

Hmmm..i wonder why it is such a taboo ?
You are responsible for what you eat is my opinion.

I would so love a gf to try to make me eat more or secretely fattening me with all things she might think of ;-)

if i gain it´s my fault and her pleasure maybe perhaps even mine ^^ when i realize how a girl could like this ^^.

And if i really would get to fat over a certain point i don´t like ...well i can do sports and diet or have the willpower to make myself comfortably enough again.

Where is the problem ?

I woudl enjoy such a witty tricky girl who tries to fatten me up it´s even a kind of hmm... nice sexy game for me .
And for every other one who don´t like gaining don´t EAT so much !!!

Wow is all we learned as a race over 5 million years that we blame others for our doing !!!well done humanity !

12 years

How to encourage weight gain

WitchyLaRoux wrote:
oh FFS why is there no damn report post button in these forums yet? it has been stated over and over here that such topics as this are not allowed *wanders off to PM the mods*

what exactly is not allowed ???????????
12 years

How to encourage weight gain

There's no sticky because there's a separate page with the rules of discussion and uploading.

But getting to the bottom of this, secret feeding is always wrong. You're doing something to someone without their consent, and that's something that any decent individual should balk at.

And yes, I think it's wrong even if there is no gun pointed at anyone's head.
12 years