
I'm being totally uncool....

Punk and Post Punk were absolutely necessary and have totally revolutionised music to the extent that their influence is still evident in how music is played to this day.

As for Gingersnaps, you cannot close your mind to good pop music, if it's good it's good and worth listening to. I had my doubts about Lady Gaga until my wife played me her albums and my view was changed.

As for what is cool and what is not, it's very subjective. I know John Peel liked certain types of pop music. John Lydon and Siouxsie Sioux also like some pop music and Captain Sensible likes Abba. I would certainly still say they are cool, but part of their coolness is really not caring whether they are cool or not. In my time as a taxi driver I have picked up countless tryhards, constantly wanting their voices to be heard above the crowd and they really are so uncool.
12 years

I'm being totally uncool....

When it comes to music I could care less if I'm cool or not....I listen to almost any kind of music...there are some artists I could care less about but if I happen to hear a song by them that catches my ear I'll listen....but that still does't mean I like the far as each their own
12 years

I'm being totally uncool....

AliceInWonderland wrote:
I have no idea what this thread is about but I feel sorry for big macs, you didn't need to bring their delicious lushness into it.

It didn't make any sense in the first place but makes even less now that Softly (the OP) has deleted her profile or her posts or something.
12 years
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