
Cats or dogs?

Cats. I brushed mine a lot, haha.
12 years

Cats or dogs?

I'm allergic to the dander in cats fur but I still loveee them and own them i just wash my hands after playing with them lol but I also love dogs !
so both I guess
12 years

Cats or dogs?

Both, though I prefer cats...partially because they're less likely to keep me up at night by making noise and partially because they're less likely to try and lick my face.
12 years

Cats or dogs?

I had 8 cats, but am down to 5. I also have a stray cat who lives outside. I volunteer at a cat shelter
12 years

Cats or dogs?

my favourie animal is actually a liger
12 years

Cats or dogs?

i love all animals... except birds, for some reason they hate me and like to attack me, therefore i hate them right back.
I have 2 cats and 1 dog. i cant say that i like one species more than the other because i think even within their species and breeds they can have different personalities.
i would like a pet fox though, they are adorable and make fun noises. very difficult to get here in australia though as they are considered a pest and most people would rather see them dead smiley
12 years