
What?...what...? what????....

Apparently people can be that ignorant, but it shouldn't come as a big surprise. Once again it's all about viewpoint. If the majority of society thinks it's deviant, then it must be wrong right? (sarcasm intended).
12 years

What?...what...? what????....

Wow, that's actually very insulting, I have not had any serious unfortunate events in my life, nor do I have psychological problem.
12 years

What?...what...? what????....

Reaperman wrote:
It starts off well before quickly getting stupid, being a feedee is down to a psychological issue. Now before I get flamed for that EVERYTHING that EVERYONE does short of bodily functions (and even sometimes those) is done for one psychological issue or another. It's a combination of psychology and genetics that makes us attracted to one person over another on the purely physical level. As for "nothing bad happened to me I don't have any issues", no one is perfect. Often when we're very young, so young we don't remember it something happens, something that as a teenager or adult we wouldn't even notice, but to an infant it can have a significant effect on development. Just about everyone has one of these. It's part of life. Informing our choices and shaping aspects if our personalities whether we are aware if them or not. I may be rambling off on a tangent now so I'll stop now haha.

No, I realize that, and agree with you, but the way the article puts it out it makes us out to be some kind of depraved deviant who wouldn't have been this way if Daddy had loved us or something.
12 years

What?...what...? what????....

Psychology and genetics play a huge role in the development of sexual preferences and orientation. But this person only seems to have a rudimentary grasp on psychology at best. As near as I can tell trauma rarely factors into the development of fetishes.

Basically, where he starts off well he ends very poorly by making grand assumptions about...pretty much everything to do with feederism.
12 years