
Tricks to get past full

So I thought I'd a start a thread on tricks you can use to get past that sick/full feeling when eating a large amount. Tricks other than just "expand your capacity" of course. I'll add some things that I've thought of or learned, and then feel free to add your own tips on how you got that extra bite in.

1. Save the sweets for last, people usually make room for dessert if their sugar craving hasn't been satisfied.

2. If you want to fit in more liquids pick saltier foods, you'll become much more thirsty. This is the same trick soda companies use to get you to drink more of their product (just look at all the sodium in those things).

3. Taunt them with the smell, wet their appetites before hand and they'll feel much more hungry.

4. Eat quickly, it takes a while for that full feeling to settle in, get all that food down before that!

5. Savory or protein rich meals will fill you up quicker than junk food/carbohydrates (be aware of the health risks though).

6. Apparently, cold temperatures increase your appetite while warm temperatures lower it, I have not seen evidence of this personally but worth looking into.

7. Patience, if you do get to that full feeling and there's no way around it, give yourself time to digest and then tackle some more when you're feeling better.
12 years

Tricks to get past full

I can vouch for #6 too. When I get back from the greenhouse I'm generally melting, and no matter how little I've eaten I'm never hunger until I've drank a few cups of ice water and cooled off significantly.
12 years

Tricks to get past full

That's interesting to know, thanks for the input smiley

Does anyone else have any other ideas, or tricks?
12 years

Tricks to get past full

PinkyDear wrote:
The heat this summer has been making it difficult for me to eat a lot until later in the day.

When I first started realllly eating I would need to relax my stomach muscles a lot to eat past my normal full feeling. I guess I was use to holding it in. I also had to think about letting my stomach and belly drop below my ribs to let it expand. This made a big difference in the amount of food I could eat.

Standing and shifting slowly from one foot to another lets me eat more.

Eating quickly at first during a stuffing session and then slowly over the next several hours allows me to completely gorge.

Once I get to the rock hard full stomach I will sip coke. After a few sips I can eat a few more bites. I keep this up for as long as I can.

Of course having someone encourage me makes me eat about twice as much lol.

To be honest, I've never really been one to feel sick when I've eaten a lot. I've always been able to stuff myself and then all of a sudden would reach a point when I couldn't take another bite. I was this way even when I wasn't consciously stuffing or trying to gain weight. This may be one reason I started to gain weight when I stopped running.

Good to meet someone with lot's of experience smiley haha

These are some good tips though, I just thought I'd make this thread as I've talked to some people who start to feel sick quickly during a stuffing.
12 years