
Good drinks to help gain??

i'm sure there's shakes etc that can help with weight gain, my ex's brother had some ages ago cos he was underweight and it made him fat
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

Diet supplements, like Ensure will add calories very quickly. I would think that wey protein, that body builders use, without the working out part will also help pack on the pounds.

Try whole milk or even heavy cream as well. Just a few thoughts.
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

even just juice has lots of calories and sugar and if you dink it instead of water youll get pretty fat quick hah
not very healthy though so try and get one that has no added sugar so all the sugar in it is fructose or whatver from fruits smiley
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

Remember to always mix alcohol with your juices for a double-whammy of calories!
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

I am doing what Layla said drink Juice instead of water. I would not do this forever just a little expariment. In last 2 days dont know how but I jumped from 236 to 241 , I cannot explain it. I would guess its water retaintion. Or the results of munchies lol
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

The best weigh gain shake I've made for gaining women (according to them) consists of:
1 pint melted, cold premium vanilla or chocolate ice cream
1 envelope vanilla Scandishake weight gain powder (it's the best tasting, though expensive. Other high-cal powder is fine.)
1 half-pint heavy cream
1/4 cup vegetable oil, or more (tasteless but boosts the cals and fat)

If drunk as a regular shake, you can use any ice cream you wish, like very fattening peanut butter fudge, etc.

If sucked through a tube attached to a hydration bag (as I have usually done), stay with vanilla or chocolate and add enough half & half to make it easy to suck through the tube.

Total cals: 2,720 Total fat grams: 231. Yeah, it packs a punch.
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

Beer for a beer belly smiley
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

I agree with whoever said coffee with cream and sugar I do this most days, just make your coffee and then instead of milk but double cream in, adds sooo much fat to it and it tastes really nice too
you can also do this with tinned soup ! put heapsss of butter and double cream in it and you cant even taste it, its just like a really creamy soup lol , tomato and pumpkin are the best to do it with, or any other creamy kind really and then with the buttered rolls you dip in it it ends up being prettyyy fattening
and then of course there are soft drinks which will make you hella fat too lol but I totally got addicted to mcdonalds cokes so now I drink them like everyday which probably isnt very healthy lol

also you can make smoothies with juice, sorbet and fruits, heaps of sugar and calories and yumm
12 years

Good drinks to help gain??

shygainer09 wrote:
I have been drinking an Ensure plus (like) shake after every meal/stuffing as that last little push over the edge, and have started feeling a lot more softness on my stomach....if weight gain shakes like this are indeed hard for the body to turn into fat, is there something similar that would be better/easier to replace the shakes with?

my biggest problem is how impatient I am.. I want to be big yesterday!

I will recommend something that Two different people here had Tremendous success with. Melted Ice Cream.Drinking melted ice cream. And then one had an extra touch that worked wonders.A tablespoon(or MORE ) of heavy cream.It's loaded with calories and nearly 100% of those calories are from Fat. Melting ice cream is easier to get down because it is warmer and doesn't cause "brain freeze". I would recommend a half pint or pint of the melted ice cream with a cup of heavy cream to start. I also recommend at least one or more Cloverhill Honeybuns a day.They are between 600 and 620 calories each.

Good Luck.smiley
12 years