
Posting videos

I love how Naive the world is...

While I do not condone STEALING other people's videos and or pictures to post elsewhere, especially to claim they are you....

You can't stop it. There is absolutely NO WAY to post something on a site and it not be able to be found by anyone.

While I'd bet a million dollars no one in your family, or at work will find you on this site without expressly looking for this site, it's just humorous to me that people are so worried about it.

C'mon now... this is the internet. I know I could probably research through google how to take your vids off here and make a YT page or a dailymotion page with everything. It happens. And what baffles me the most though?

The people who have their vids/pics taken and used getting so pissed off they leave. They delete the photos and videos, thinking it deletes them from the world wide web.

There are ways to be safe but, it's pretty much impossible to not have vids/pics stolen. It's one of the necessary evils of the technological age.

Does it suck? It sure does but, when you click 'upload' you are pretty much signing away your image to anyone that wants to steal it.

I'm certainly NOT trying to turn you away from showing pics and vids, you do have a beautiful body but.... candidly, that's the facts of the internet and vids/pics...

Hope we still see more of you in teh future!

<3, CFB
12 years