
Online ettiquette

Don't take it personally. It happens all of the time.

Many times, it was people that I chatted with daily for months. They just disappear.

Perhaps they are fake, and can't take it any further.

Don't give up. Sooner or later, you'll find a nice person to make it all worthwhile.
12 years

Online ettiquette

SilverRider wrote:
I hear ya, Shoshana. It happens all too much. But whatever you do, DON'T let it make you think its in any way your fault, or anything wrong with you - its just the majority of (male) users of this site tend to be cowards who can't face up to their preferences, either that or they go looking for a girl who'll get her belly out on cam on demand. Sad truth I'm afraid.

I really don't like hearing "all men are..." any more than I like to hear "all fat people are..."

As a male, as I have posted, females have done it to me. It's not a gender thing, it's a people thing.
12 years

Online ettiquette

I agree. Not knowing why is the bad thing. I'm married, and just here to chat. So, it's not like I am looking to meet anyone or make a commitment. I just enjoy conversation.

One woman I chatted with, I chatted with for 8 years. And then suddently she avoids me. She avoids me here, on Dimensions, and on AOL IM.

There may be a lot of good reasons why she no longer wants to chat. She is a foodee who gains, so perhaps she did not want to tell me she wants to lose weight. Or perhaps she decided she no longer wants to chat with a married man. Or maybe I said something and she took it the wrong way.

I really don't mind not chatting with her any more. But not knowing why really bugs me.
12 years