Lifestyle tips


I think I am average...I walk several miles a day during the course of my job and general stuff around the house too.
I certainly don't have the energy that I had when I was slim though and find that other people walk faster than me now and I get out of breath after a flight of stairs..but that's all part of the attraction of gaining for mesmiley
12 years


I spent 6 years until recently going to the gym at least twice a week, doing lots of core stuff with free weights, because I think it's important to stay strong if you're gonna be fat.

I stopped because my personal trainer wasn't available, which is a pathetic excuse because I could still have gone and worked out without him! But I found what motivated me was throwing money at the problem, unfortunately. Having someone waiting for you to show up is a good (if expensive) way to get your backside to the gym.

Or, before I could afford that, I got nearly as good results with a gym buddy. We would arrange to meet there and do our workout together. Feels like you can't let them down. It is hard to find someone of similar fitness levels though, and in front of whom you won't be intimidated or embarrassed to get all sweaty haha smiley
12 years


foxglove wrote:
Or, before I could afford that, I got nearly as good results with a gym buddy.

Just make sure the gym buddy isn't a feeder or it could backfire pretty badly. smiley
12 years


fat apple wrote:
I wouldn't describe me as "fit." How could I? LOL.

That said, I walk 4.7 miles in 60 minutes, 2-3 times a week. I also take a core strengthening class once a week, not that it shows. smiley However, it keeps my back in good shape and somewhere, buried under all this fat, I have some tight abs. LOL.

I didn't exercise the first several months after I started gaining. I felt sluggish mentally and physically, so I picked it back up. I just need it to feel right.

This is what i need to do. since ive been gaining ive cut down on the exercise a lot and i feel like my muscles are wasting away. Also my mind is feeling sluggish. i think i still need exercise even if i want to be fat... and it gives me an excuse to eat more smiley
12 years


I am going to chime in with the same thing as on the other thread. I think weight training. Weight lifting with dumbbells.Barbells. Machines. I think strength training is the way to go. And I will also bring up the fabulous Gainer and SSBBW Kellie Kay. She is nearly 600 lbs now and was 350 lbs or less just a few years back. She always exercised and lifted weights as she gained-and gained rapidly. I saw a video where she was well over 500 lbs and literally was able to spring to her feet after sitting on her coffee table and busting all the legs off of it. She also did calisthenics. I think strength training is the way to go along with some movement exercises like walking.
12 years


bbwbeth wrote:

So, just as an update, I went to the gym yesterday! Yay! I did 10 mins on treadmill, 10 mins on bike and 10 on rowing machine. Not loads, I know, but it did help me to feel less sluggish.

That's an awesome start and I think I'm gonna use you as inspiration and do the exact same thing. Breaking your cardio down into 10-minute sections makes it feel so much more achievable smiley
12 years


well i teach ballet in my spare time!! so i consider myself kinda fit for a fat person!! im certainly flexable - i love doing the splitz - its my party piece haha!!
12 years


I would love to start exercising again and I know so many big people that want to exercise too like my mum but apart from like jogging in your backyard what are you supposed to do ?

go to to the gym and be stared at, smirked at ,have people patonise you ?
jog out in the street where people yell things out to you or even just make comments as you pass them ?

I dont think so, I remember when I was out jogging with my sister and someone yelled something out to you think she ever went jogging again ? haha no of course she didnt !

I really wish there were fat positive gyms or even places where people would just keep their ***ing mouths shut for one second
because it really is such a joke that
everyone hates fatties and tells them to work out but then when they actually see them working out they do the same, you really cant win

and this is why today instead of going to a zumba class with my sister like she asked me, even though I would actually love to do it because its a dance type thing and id enjoy it I will actually be at home on the couch watching tv because I cant be bothered with the stares and comments
12 years


AskDrFeeder wrote:
foxglove wrote:
Or, before I could afford that, I got nearly as good results with a gym buddy.

Just make sure the gym buddy isn't a feeder or it could backfire pretty badly. smiley

Oh hehe what an evil and sexy idea havinf a bit of a belly going to the gym and trying to train with a (beautiful cute and fit personal femal trainer only to get teased until i decide ok you decide what i eat ^^....and get chubbier by the day lol
that would be a so sexy backfiring ^^ hehe
12 years


Oowem wrote:

I don't mean to sound rude when asking, but have you actually been to a gym?

Protip: If you're self concious about seeing people you might know, go to a gym a in the next suburb, somewhere you don't frequent, but nto somewhere so far that you just won't go.

I'm 127 kg. I always had the 'people will stare at me' frame of mind. I've joined two gyms (one was only a short stay then immediately joined one closer to home).

People who are seriously working out, often don't give 2 hoots what you're even doing, and if you've ever ran on a treadmill, or been going flat out on a cross trainer etc. You'll know that you can do anything but look around the room.

If comments make you uneasy, get a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, play some music up loud.

Zumba Classes: Stand up the back, you'd be surprised how many people, especially old folks, who do it, and are so un-co it's not funny. It's fun, you just need not let what you THINK others are thinking, effect what you do.

Over all, I was super surprised by how little people cared about my presence (in a good way lol), by being at a gym. I am regretting not trying sooner.

If you go to a lady specific gym though, I have heard from a few friends that the ladies go therein a full kit of make up, who are obviously there to look pretty, not work out.

At the end of the day, it's your health; forget other people, and don't let them be an excuse smiley

Thanks for the tips but yeah Ive been to the gym before lol I used to go to one with my sister, who at the time was big, probably about the same weight as you and people were RUDE , so rude ! staring, making comments, outright laughing, one guy even went up to her and told her to get off the situp machine thing because there was no point her doing it when shes still so fat and he wanted to use it.
so yeah im not sure if you just live in an area where the gyms just happen to be filled with non-judgemental people or if youve just been lucky but its not like that in any of the gyms ive ever been to lol.
12 years
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