
No longer able to 'suck it in'

The point were you simply can no longer hide your belly by sucking it in. I used to hide it all the time, just this weekend I noticed I cant anymore. It felt really liberating to just let it hang and relax. 195 lbs was the 'magic number'. 200 lbs here I come!

Anyone else know the feeling? At what weight did it happen for you?
11 years

No longer able to 'suck it in'

Yeah I'm not really used to it yet, but I like the way you think on the calories part smiley
11 years

No longer able to 'suck it in'

Im not sure when but I havent really been able to suck my belly in for awhile haha I mean I can suck it in but it doesnt look much thinner... at all haha
11 years

No longer able to 'suck it in'

At my highest of 225 it was hopeless but now at 207 if it wasn't for my love handles giving my belly away I think I could. But even now I'm just too wide!
11 years

No longer able to 'suck it in'

It takes some time to get used to being fat smiley

My t-shirts are a little tight, they ride up showing my lovehandles when I sit down, my belly bounces when I walk and my jeans are uncomfortably tight making my belly protrude even more.

Even writing this makes me hungry smiley
11 years