
The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

"please no! *mmpf mmpf mmpf* I can't take anymore I'm gonna!" *mmpf mmpf mmpf*

As I shove the funnel back into her mouth and start pouring more smiley
12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

One time I had a date with a girl and I took her to a buffet. She was barely over 5ft. tall, pretty short considering I am 6'4". She ate more food than me! When we got to the car, she unbuttoned her pants, raised her shirt and reclined her seat. She was moaning the whole time about her belly was going to pop, while I was TRYING to drive. I couldn't keep my eye off of her and her swollen belly. Needless to say I quickly found a place to pull over....
12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

i am so full feel my belly
12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

The girl I'm dating now, who is not a feedee (yet) used to be quite a bit heavier than she is now, and she's gained about 20 lbs since we started dating. We were laying in bed the other night while I was rubbing her belly I said "I'd love to see you at least as big as you used to be." She responded with "I'll be there soon."

That was fantastic.
12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

LetMeFeedYou wrote:
"Mmmmm baby, that was so good, go get me some more". Now THAT is what I like to hear, it gets me so giddy!

Ohhh how wopuld i love to see that desire in a girls eyes when saying that ....want moreeee!!! ;-)

12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

foxglove wrote:
I love it when a boy tells me their weight or measurements. It doesn't even matter if they're skinny or fat, tbh, it's just the fact they're telling me something personal and maybe a bit embarrassing. The biggest frisson I get is if they are expressing some kind of inner conflict about their weight/size - I totally adore hearing about their efforts to lose/get back in shape. Especially if they try and fail... mwahaha

Oh i would love to try and be distracted from my gym toutine i would have first set in motion again when realizing i ´m getting chubby^^

Oh you seem to be sucha perfect mind for me ^^
12 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

Once when going INTO my favorite Italian restaurant, a group of women were standing outside waiting for their ride, complaining on how much they ate, and one said "I'm s-o-o-o full, even my shoes are tight!"
11 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

For me it's hearing her talk about how much food she can eat, and watching her greedily eat huge portions and talking about how much fatter she is going to get.
11 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

For me, it's when my girl says, "I need a tummy rub," all cute and innocently. And then when I lower her pants to let her belly out, say goes, "No, I'm gonna look huge." To which I reply, "But babe, you are huge. Now do you want that belly rub or not?" She always relents and lets me massage away her food babies.

Speaking of which, another one she always gets me with is, "I hope you plan on marrying me, cause I'm pregnant with your food baby." Sure sign of a good time.smiley
11 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

luvschubyangels wrote:
Talking about one's weight is usually not done, so any time a guy talks about how big he is is pretty hot. I've never fed anyone in person though except an ex who wasn't really into it, so it's just stuff said online.

My favorite word is butterball, anything referencing that is awesome. Love "tubby" too. "I'm becoming a real butterball, aren't
I?" "Getting fat." "I'm getting really fat aren't I?" "Am I too big for you?" "I can't get these pants buttoned!" "I can't move", while sitting in a chair after eating. And him patting his belly while he says any of that is insanely hot.

Once someone made a slightly vore reference about Thanksgiving if we possibly got together. "I'd be the biggest Butterball there." I nearly c*me in my pants. smiley

I've talked to a couple of guys about letting me embarass them slightly while out in public, like wearing a tshirt that's too tight and having his belly hanging out a couple inches below. "if I'm too embarassed, can I hug you and hide my belly against you?" and "Will you hold my hand?" also make me nuts.

Talking about weight in any way though pushes my buttons, it's so rare for anyone to be willing to do so.

oh this is cute^^
if my belly ever pokes out under my shirt after a big meal i would trun to you thenhiding it and holding our hand ^^
11 years
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