
Stretch marks

bellylover150 wrote:
How many girls/ boys think stretch marks are attractive?

I think that stretchmarks should be only admired by adults. I definitely would not want children admiring mine.
12 years

Stretch marks

I don't mind them at all, but I'm not really 'drawn' to them either. I just discovered some on my own tummy and bought a bottle of body lotion as a counter the same day.
12 years

Stretch marks

To be honest I was never that big on them originally, but they have definitely grown on me (pun intended) lol.

In fact, my own are probably what I am most proud of from my gain.
12 years

Stretch marks

Badge of honour! smiley
12 years

Stretch marks

FluffyMcMittens wrote:
I love mine. They're one of my favorite parts of gaining smiley which is lucky cuz I have more than I can count.
The more the merrier I rekon

Amen to that!
12 years

Stretch marks

stretch_marks wrote:

What's more, if they extend beyond her belly onto her upper thighs, boobs, upper arms and the back of her knees, then she's loving every second of her gain. That's when you cross the line from awesome to epic.

hahaa I have then all over the back of my knees and my back, sides, hipes, armpits haha EVERYWHERE

I like stretchmarks because they remind me that I used to be slim and now im a big fattyy and on other people I like them too

especially the ones guys get on their backs or legs sometimes from their growth spurt haha soo cute
12 years

Stretch marks

I like my stretch marks, they tell stories, i can attribute some to different break ups or gorges etc hehehehe
12 years

Stretch marks

I looove stretch marks! Any color, anywhere, on myself and the Mrs. I especially like the ones on the insides of my arms.
10 years