Extreme obesity

Choosing to have no choice.

If you have someone to help and don't mind being bed bound, and sex is all that important, than it might be OK, having it happen, or doing it on purpose.

However, if the person is living alone, and being bedbound would mean no income, no home, and even no food, it could not be fun either on purpose or if it just happens.
12 years

Choosing to have no choice.

PinkyDear wrote:
A fantasy every once in a while of being kidnapped and force fed is one thing, but in reality I would rather have it be a sensual, gentle feeding and growing process.

I agree with this as a feeder too.
12 years

Choosing to have no choice.

Big beautiful cupcake wrote:
I often fantasize about being so fat that I'm immobile or need help, but never considered it a reality. I would love to be forced to gain weight. I am kind of submissive so the idea of a rough, force feeder who exploits all of my favorite foods so that I can't stop eating is very alluring. I am turned on by being powerless and helpless and would give up control and be willing to get HUGE.

This is Very sexy.....and my kind of ideal with such vulnerability.
10 years

Choosing to have no choice.

Definitely falling for someone I couldn't say no to is my ultimate fantasy. I think half of the appeal to me would be knowing that in reality I do have the power to stop, therefore ultimately doing this to myself.
9 years

Choosing to have no choice.

[quote]Elanor wrote:
For me it would be the spoilt princess/goddess worshipping scenario, where everything revolves around indulgence, gluttony, an overwhelmingly hedonistic lifestyle, where I wouldn't have to lift a finger. I'd just eat and nap all day and have a devoted servant (maybe even more than one) look after all my wants and needs. I'd end up totally huge obviously.

I harbor and enjoy this same type of fantasy as Elanor. One where I would be a King and have a 1/2 dozen female attendants who would feed and pamper me. I would eat and nap all day long, and my attendants would bathe me, massage me, and enjoy fattening me up day after day. I would revel in my gluttony and growing immobility. A completely hedonistic lifestyle.

Now would I want an immobile lifestyle for real. No. But the hedonistic fantasy is nice to think about and as Elanor said it would take a lot of money to make it a reality.
9 years

Choosing to have no choice.

I've said to myself that my uppermost weight for the sake of my health will be at most 600 lbs (if my body allows it and any health complications I feel I can live with them).

If there was the possibility of becoming even bigger, would I do it? I fantasize about it, sometimes entertaining the fantasy of immobility or being very close to it, and I'm unsure if I would put myself into the position in reality, but the idea of having lost control or having done something that would cause me to go beyond my max allowed weight is something that keeps me up at night. smiley

I think like others, I'd be okay with the gentle, not forceful means of going beyond my goal weight. I'd need to have some reassurance that I'm not going to be putting myself into any kind of harms way, and I would need someone to help nurture my insecurities and worries about me getting to big or too fat.
9 years

Choosing to have no choice.

There is something highly appealing about having that kind of immensity imposed on you instead of actively pushing for it. In my mind anyway.

I often imagine that if I could sign on some magic dotted line I was presented with to have it just happen to me someday regardless that I would do so in a heartbeat. So that I'd find the weight coming and coming no matter what I did or thought or said.

No such magic contracts have fluttered down from the sky however lol
9 years

Choosing to have no choice.

It all comes down to the right partner. I would let a female feeder make me as fat as she wanted as long as we were deeply in love and she respected me. That said I could only ever be with a woman over 500lbs anayway and so in return I would have no problem with her expecting me to gain for her or letting her feed me whatever she liked. For me, as long as I could still walk, I'd keep gaining for her. I guess that could be anywhere up to 750lbs.
8 years

Choosing to have no choice.

I have no problem with getting that big, but it would be tough without the right support.
8 years

Choosing to have no choice.

Had to check the label on my sweat pants after reading this (2x). Do you think labels should be removed?
Just what size do they go up too?
7 years