
Negative profiles

I wish people would use a positive approach to their profiles. Instead of listing what you don't want, list what you do want. If you don't like something, there is no need to put a string of negative adjectives in front of it.

If you say you only want men, and a woman answers (or vice versa), then politely say you are not interested. If they persist, tell a moderator.

I doubt if insulting a group of people helps limits replies. And it makes the profile writer look bad, even to the people they are interested in.
12 years

Negative profiles

I try hard to be more positive,but with Bipolar it is easier said than done,at least my profile was honest.
12 years

Negative profiles

It isn't so much what is said, as much as how it is said.

For example, when someone places an ad and says things like. Liars and cheaters, and creeps need not apply, that does not help. I doubt if too many people consider themselves a liar, a cheater or a creep. And even if they did, they probably feel they can get away with it.

In a way, it makes the poster look like a good target because other people have already fooled the person.

But for the rest of us who read this, all it says is that the poster has a lot a baggage. And when the first tiny thing goes wrong all of his or her past will be thrown at you, and you will blamed for everything that has happened.
12 years

Negative profiles

"Not into feeding" is OK. Or, "not looking to gain on purpose."

But "Creepy feeders don't reply or I'll report you," is negative.
12 years

Negative profiles

I can imagine, some women started to note in their profile what they don't want. I have seen some nice people dissapear from the site having positive profiles and only got only horny or respectless comments and mails in return.

I agree in trying to be positive, but it also depends on our respect for others on the site, to keep the profiles positive. So aways read a profile first before comment. You can see what the person likes and dislikes. It will keep up positivism.
11 years