
Can't stop gaining?

I know this happens to some people. Has it happened to you? What did/what do you do about it?
12 years

Can't stop gaining?

Dam59000 wrote:
It's been three years now that I do not pay more attention to the weight that I take. During these years I took 40 kgs (88 lbs). And I continue to be able to grow without stopping. However, I love it. I find it terribly erotic. Especially when they help me to eat. Now, my weight is 120 kgs (264 lbs). And i want more...

Yes, I've noticed that a lot of people who can't stop love it so much that they don't care. Not all of them though.
12 years

Can't stop gaining?

wretty222 wrote:
i've been feeling this way lately! i think i like to THINK that i'm choosing to gain, but sometimes i eat normally for a few weeks and still i feel.. bigger. i look at the stretchmarks that cover my tummy now and i try to pretend that i had control over them, or that i intentionally fattened myself up, but honestly sometimes it's just been the natural consequence of my appetite. even when i'm trying to suppress it...

that kinda scares me, because it makes me think if i REALLY tried to gain, i could go... way, way farther than i am now. like if i started to truly use all the tips people write about on this site, i would just balloon up.

A lot of people will not admit they do not have control over their weight. Even people in the size acceptance community will say, "I can lose weight if I want, I just don't want to right now."

I do not believe this. Many people get into the situation where if they eat, they will gain. If they don't eat, they slow their metabolisms and gain.
12 years

Can't stop gaining?

stretch_marks wrote:
Most of the concerns I have center around not being able to do my hobby, which you can tell from my avatar, as Star Wars costuming.

Well, there's always Jabba the Hut!
12 years

Can't stop gaining?

If I were a sailboat, the wind would always be blowing towards FatLand. I can slowly sail into the wind, with a lot of work. But if I go with the wind I fly with exhilerating speed in that direction.
10 years

Can't stop gaining?

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote:
I would swear that I wrote the last few posts. I never thought I would enjoy being this fat, but it's awesome and I'm not sure when I'll stop. Or if I can. The more the scale goes up, the more I want to eat. I'm addicted to seeing the numbers rise and feeling my clothes get tight. The scale said 201 this morning. OMG. I guess at some point I'll get control back so I can lose weight and do it again. The older I get tho, the easier it is to gain, and the slower it comes off. I might be stuck as a fat girl. :-)

I can't imagine how beautiful you must look now. Your hips are so Amazing in your last pic. And now there is a"little" bit more. smiley
10 years

Can't stop gaining?

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote:
The scale said 201 this morning. OMG.:-)

OMG! And you still have to go through all of the X-mas feasts! i think the New Year will look at a new girl.. nomoreskinnyATALL smileysmileysmiley
10 years

Can't stop gaining?

It has happened to me several times in the last few years.

Now, all of a sudden I cant get below 230 Lbs. even with a lot of lifting, cardio and crunches.

I am an FA and very into weight gain on women and especially my wife. This pattern started happening a few years ago when My wife who is really curvy and beautiful and by societies standards over weight.....but I told her I would like to see her gain more weight. She has always known of my liking her to gain weight and has been a lot heavier before. She has a real big sweet tooth in which I have never had. I started bringing home plenty of snacks, baked goods and ice cream in hopes for her to gain a lot of weight......when she mentioned "I am going to get fat".. with all the sweets you have been buying.....I told her I would love nothing more than that.

She went on eating and I kept bringing home tons of sweets and snacks. Before to long I noticed she had been gaining some weight but not nearly as much as I thought she would. This went on longer and I noticed..... after I had been snacking along with her how much bigger I got in this time than she did.

I weighed myself at the gym and couldn't believe I had gained 15 Lbs. I kept on buying tons of snacks and ice cream for my wife..... and now for myself. All of a sudden because of the Void of weight gain with my wife....I was getting pretty excited about my new big belly. I decided to try and gain more weight and it became pretty easy. The craziest thing was my appetite really got big I could easily eat 2-3 times as much as I used to and not really get full. Not to mention I started developing a pretty big sweet tooth. After all my big meals I would always follow it with cookies baked goods and ice cream. My belly felt stuffed to the max all the time and it never really went down....I couldn't even come close to sucking it in. I became very excited about the thought of having my wife notice my big new gut....even though in the past she has mentioned that even with herself being over weight her whole life she never would like a guy who was fat or had a big belly.

All of a sudden I was getting more and more turned on by my gaining and even more by how big I could make my gut.....not to mention I had this crazy erotic desire to have my wife mention my weight gain and call me Fat.

My eating was out of control and I could never seem to get full. Even if I wasn't hungry the minute I started to eat then I couldn't stop. I literally surprised myself how much I could eat in one sitting not to mention all day. I would get these weird mixed emotions while eating once in a while.. trying to stop after 2 Big macs, fries and a soda for lunch and not have anything else. Then give in and go to the store and grab 2 King size Snicker bars another soda and a box of cookies. I would eat the 2 Snickers and almost finish the whole box of cookies and start to feel guilty and out of control.

Being a fairly healthy eater in the past after I started eating all these sweets I even started eating fast food for lunch quite a bit and was totally surprised how good it started tasting to me and how much of it I could consume. I would be totally stuffed before bed and still be snacking right up until I brushed my teeth, showered and went to bed. I would wake up in the morning and have the worst hunger pains. The more I ate the more I could consume....It got pretty scary sometimes....even when I wasn't hungry the moment I started I didn't get full so I kept eating.

I think I probably gained 40 Lbs. total before my erotic desire faded a little. Over the last 6 months I am back down to 237 Lbs.

In the last month or so my wife has started eating more all of a sudden and has gained some weight and this time it is her that has been buying all the ice cream cookies and chocolates and over the last week I have been eating more to. My jeans are getting really snug in the waist and my for a while leaner belly has been stuffed and shows a considerable difference.....I may be back on again....feeling pretty excited about stuffing it and dream that my wife would come around and we could stuff each other and mutually fatten each other up! She just called me in for dinner for some huge plates of Lasagna and italian bread.....I might follow t up with a huge bowl of ice cream.
10 years