
Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Schadenfreude wrote:
I've always fantasized about an evil feeder who just has no respect for my wishes. Could be male or female. Wouldn't have to be a love interest or anything. But I want to try and workout and eat healthy and constantly insist that I just want to loose 10 lbs whilst someone close to me was constantly sabotaging me with delicious foods and extra snacks, knowing that I have a greedy appetite. Then they would watch and laugh as my clothes got tighter and tighter and I would insist that I hadn't gained any weight, I'm just a little bloated.

hihi oh My !!!

that is so perfect ^^ :-)

where can i meet you ? ^^

12 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

KatieFlaGirl wrote:It's basically like rape

I don't call it "Evil" for nothing!

The Evil Feeder could be relatively gentle, simply taking away your TV privileges if you don't eat enough or something like that.

But it's still an awful lot like rape, I must admit.
12 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

KatieFlaGirl wrote:
AskDrFeeder wrote:
KatieFlaGirl wrote:It's basically like rape

I don't call it "Evil" for nothing!

The Evil Feeder could be relatively gentle, simply taking away your TV privileges if you don't eat enough or something like that.

But it's still an awful lot like rape, I must admit.

Oh I'm not saying its wrong to Feed like that....but it is traumatic, and its not something just any girl can be put through. The first time I went through it I spent the next 6 hours curled in a ball sobbing.

Which means that it's not for you, and that's okay. It's not for a lot of people, and that's okay.

If it's not fun for someone to be treated this way, then they shouldn't be treated that way by a partner- it's abusive and yes, it would be traumatic.

But it is something that some people are into. And while you wouldn't wish it on anyone else, it's what they want.

If it's something that is really so bad an experience for you, I'd say don't agree to do it, even if your partner wants to; weighing your own emotions against their desires in this scenario will only be good for you. But I'm an outsider and I don't know your relationships or anything, so take this advice with however much salt you will.
12 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Sweetpea wrote:
Schadenfreude wrote:
I have a greedy appetite. Then they would watch and laugh as my clothes got tighter and tighter and I would insist that I hadn't gained any weight, I'm just a little bloated.

I don't consider myself evil, but I love providing ridiculous amounts of food for my boyfriend and watching him over indulge! It's not force feeding but he's got no self control and my treats are just too tempting for him to resist. Then I get to squeeze his extra flubber, and I suppose I do tease him a bit, but not in a nasty way!

hehe how would i love that being teased and fattened up a bit only by providing enough sweets and treats and opportunities to weaken my selfcontrol ;-)

SO you can say wow Dear no look at that belly of yours now (poking for emphasis) and i would complain and say no that was you with your sweat and seductive encouraging me to eat more .....:-)

and you can say no you ate this all alone or did i cuffed you up to eat all that chubby ! ;-)

you are not from germany i bet !^^ ;-)
12 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Turns out there ARE Evil Feeders. They call them "mothers"!

11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Sweetpea wrote:
otherland78 wrote:
Sweetpea wrote:
Schadenfreude wrote:
I have a greedy appetite. Then they would watch and laugh as my clothes got tighter and tighter and I would insist that I hadn't gained any weight, I'm just a little bloated.

I don't consider myself evil, but I love providing ridiculous amounts of food for my boyfriend and watching him over indulge! It's not force feeding but he's got no self control and my treats are just too tempting for him to resist. Then I get to squeeze his extra flubber, and I suppose I do tease him a bit, but not in a nasty way!

hehe how would i love that being teased and fattened up a bit only by providing enough sweets and treats and opportunities to weaken my selfcontrol ;-)

SO you can say wow Dear no look at that belly of yours now (poking for emphasis) and i would complain and say no that was you with your sweat and seductive encouraging me to eat more .....:-)

and you can say no you ate this all alone or did i cuffed you up to eat all that chubby ! ;-)

you are not from germany i bet !^^ ;-)

Hehe - you're growing tummy would make me giggle! You'd say you were going to get in shape, but too many treats would take their toll on your body. You will be struggling to do up your jeans with a little roll of flab over the top. hehe.

haha i would grin and just say i would even bet about it ha. no problem those 6 years out of sport .....i will be i shape in no time you could even use any trick and treat you think of to sabotage me if you think this will give you any chance :-).
ANd then i would grab you soft parts and your povehandles and say : " And if i ever get fat enuogh so you are more fit than me baby ^^, (hahahasqueezing your lovehandles) i may even eat whatever you want for the rest of my life :

tickling you and running away like in old times (getting a little out of breath....)

:-) be continued ^^?
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

otherland78 wrote:
Sweetpea wrote:
otherland78 wrote:
Sweetpea wrote:


Oh, get a room you two!
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

haha oh sorry ;-)

lol gets a bit long over time eh ? :-)

but i love thhis kind of talking so much ;-)
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

eatup wrote:
"Kidnapping" and force feeding a cute girl is one of my main fantasies. There would be many ways to go about it, but one of them would be having her sit on my lap while I stuff her swollen belly. She would be moaning and whimpering, but there'd be nothing she could do about it. She would be completely helpess and I would have complete control of her. I'm getting "excited" just writing this post.

There's much more to this fantasy, and of course it wouldn't exactly play out like this in real life since there are ethical limits, but one day I hope to make this fantasy at least somewhat of a reality.

Yes yes yes - I would love for this to happen to me! One of my favourite fantasies smiley
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

feedee wrote:
eatup wrote:
"Kidnapping" and force feeding a cute girl is one of my main fantasies. There would be many ways to go about it, but one of them would be having her sit on my lap while I stuff her swollen belly. She would be moaning and whimpering, but there'd be nothing she could do about it. She would be completely helpess and I would have complete control of her. I'm getting "excited" just writing this post.

There's much more to this fantasy, and of course it wouldn't exactly play out like this in real life since there are ethical limits, but one day I hope to make this fantasy at least somewhat of a reality.

Yes yes yes - I would love for this to happen to me! One of my favourite fantasies smiley

hehe and i would so love to play a nice fattening part in this fantasy of yours ...;-)

maybe if i would visit the uk one day ^^
11 years
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