Extreme obesity

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

Well this is in the sexy/fantasy section of the forums so you cant really get angry at people for coming to this thread and expecting it to be about well.. sexy and fantasy things lol you should move it to one of the other sections ?
12 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

curVy wrote:
I don't think that " Great Britain" or UK as we are now often known has any "real" Red Blooded FA's. It certainly seems like a handful of so called FA's hang around this site and don't openly admit to their preferences except through a computer key board, if they did girls like Georgia ( and myself included,in younger times) would feel confident and beautiful in their own skin not like some "outcast" who has no option but to conform to the diet culture and view that you have to be size 10 or so to be worthy of some love and attention from a man. its time we all realised and embraced the fact that human kind comes in all shapes and sizes and all are beautiful in their own way.

I am a proud FA.not afraid to show it,in private or public,I have dated ladies 200lbs to around 550lbs and was proud of all of them,sadly I had a hard time persuading two of them that big can be beautifulsmiley Only wish I could make someone genuinely happy
12 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

marzopolis wrote:
to weigh 890 as a teen is an outstanding accomplishment in my universe- I guess someone else will have the right to wear the special "half a ton by 21" T-shirt I designed

Maybe someone who actually wants to? Because from all indications, that's not Georgia. And you're still wanting it to be. You're consistently ignoring who she is beyond her fatness and your own want to see her bigger. Which really doesn't much separate you from those you're so quick to put down.
12 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

curVy wrote:
I would imagine that you would find it difficult to persuade BBW's or SSBBw's that big can be beautiful as quite often we ladies don't believe a word of it as we've had so many guys take the "mikey" out of us that we are defensive and of course the media and society brainwash us all into thinking only skinny is acceptable.

Well.I would consider that I have succeeded on at least three occasions in giving confidence that BBWs didn't have previously,plus partially successful with a very large SSBBW ,had the relationship lasted longer than two years,and under different circumstances things would have been better still...
12 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

So basically you're the only who is aware and understanding of her personal desires and everyone else is sheeple.

You're the "bad guy" here because you can't get it through your head that not everyone wants to be fat and that someone who is superfat and doesn't want to be is probably not going to be all that happy about it.

There's the issue of "if only some bold, true FA could go and save her from the 'thin is in' culture!"- because obviously she is a damsel in distress and needs saving by someone who loves her fat (and knows little else about her).

You're assuming one hell of a lot about people trying to get in contact with her- and blaming this on people you see as less than you when you yourself don't seem to be doing much to get in touch with someone who doesn't have any clue who you are.

And if you think that it's easy to have your world-view completely shifted by a total stranger (whose primary interest in you is the thing that confines and restricts you), then you are seriously in need of some learning with regard to pretty much everything social, including but not limited to the concepts of personal space, not bothering someone who doesn't want to interact with you, and autonomy (body and otherwise).

You're the bad guy here because you're advocating for people to invade someone's life and personal space because you feel a need to save her from something she wants that runs counter to your ideals and desires, and it's all based on what you think she actually wants despite evidence proving you wrong.

So yes, you are the bad guy in this. Perhaps not the only one, but you're intent on working against the interests and desires of Georgia, and that really doesn't help anyone; rather, it does harm. And you continue to push for this even after you've been told that it's wrong and why it's wrong.

You should try listening for a change. It'd do you a world of good.
11 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

dave2k22 wrote:
I don't post much but I will say a few things.

Women are sexy no matter what there size. Yes the media and people think that fat people are fat because they eat all the time and don't have a life. But being fat isn't a bad thing. The problem is that people have stuck in there mind that only being skinny is acceptable.

I think bigger people are generally more nicer. They have bigger hearts and they don't judge others.

It's hard for bigger people because they think everyone will judge them the same. But there are people like my self and others on the site which love the way people are. I admit when I'm out and about I'm always looking at the bigger women. If I wasn't so shy I would talk to them and tell them how pretty they are. My parents and mates know I prefer my women bigger and I won't let that change.

Sorry to ramble on but I thought I'd share my view.

Good post,I know this feeling well.
11 years
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