
Re-gaining of lost weight

Weejee wrote:
Does it come back the same, or differently, in different spots? What have you noticed?

I have gained back 125 pounds since 2004 and it did not come back in the same places it was when it left.

Your mileage may vary.
11 years

Re-gaining of lost weight

Are their any side effects to regaining if you have to loose weight for whatever reason? I might be having to loose weight for an Op but would probably want to gain it back afterwards.
11 years

Re-gaining of lost weight

For extremely large people, it can be fatal. If anyone remembers Walter Hudson, he was very large. They got him to lose weight. He lost a lot, and when he started to regain it, he died. This has happened to a few other famous fat people. It probably won't happen to someone who is smaller and has not lost hundreds of pounds.
11 years