
How do i stop my girlfriend...

Losing weight through diet and exercise is one thing, but cosmetic surgery is something I personally feel is unnecessary most of the time and mainly just a big waste of money. It also can lead to the subject wanting further cosmetic surgery, which is also usually unnecessary.

I certainly wouldn't support someone wanting such treatment and there is no way I would ever pay for such treatment. Only if someone was disfigured, or their weight was life threatening should anyone ever be considered for cosmetic surgery.
11 years

How do i stop my girlfriend...

Well liposuction is actually only used to remove small stubborn pockets of fat, its not suitable for overweight or obese patients, its really only used for thin or average weight people who have small areas of fat that arent decreasing with exercise, its not for weight loss.

and of course any proecdure using anaesthesia has a fatality risk but someone your girlfriends age and weight isnt at any higher risk and liposuction isnt a hugely invasive procedure so she should be fine, I think you are more worried about her losing her boner inducing curves than actually passing away on the operating table
11 years

How do i stop my girlfriend...

It may be time to move on. If she lost the weight through no fault of her own, then you probably should support her. But if you like fat or curvy woman, and she hates it, it may be too hard to overlook. Good luck.
11 years